Bad things happening to bad people
Bad things happening to bad people
Those look like extremely generous ratings
Man y’all keep using words like legal, constitutional, court order, etc… I just don’t know if y’all are understanding the situation. We’re well past legal.
Hey genius, the term leftist has existed longer than the term communist and stalinist have. It ain’t new. Maybe learn some goddamn history before the start of the 20th century. Then maybe you’d know what fucking traitors Liberals are and have always been. Since their Inception.
Liberals are not leftists, they never have been. They certainly aren’t progressives. You know what Liberals are? The birth mother of fascism. Fascism grows from capitalism. It’s the end result.
What a useless waste of time your comment here is. You quoted a fraction of a sentence ignoring everything around the sentence that qualifies the part you’re quoting. That literally answers the question you’re asking. Perhaps continuing to read a sentence would help you understand the meaning of the sentence.
There’s not always a good option. Some would say that certain candidates shouldn’t have just supported genocide to the death, but that’s not the voters fault. Or maybe it is, moot point. The 100% stark truth is that every single American supported genocide. You are a genocide supporter. I’m a genocide supporter. Everyone in this thread genocide supporter. Time to accept it.
Except yes it is true if you voted blue you voted for genocide. If you voted right you voted for genocide. If you didn’t vote you voted for genocide. Americans supported genocide across the board. There’s no way to escape that
Never going to happen. First pass the post will never change within the Democratic Party. On the other hand the Democratic party might already be dead. It’s injured to the point that abandoning it doesn’t cause any problems that don’t already exist. This is the point to kill it.
They’re never going to get paid. He’s going to leave them high and dry
deleted by creator
Yeah this is wishful thinking. This is the kind of thinking that has involved people failing in Russia for the last few hundred years. You don’t Outlast Russia in a game of numbers. That don’t work. Russia will happily go Toe to Toe with you and lose four times as many men. Not a problem for them. Never has been never will be.
That’s someone asking for a lynching if I’ve ever heard one.
Who’s going to stop them? Who’s going to enforce those amendments?
Typically starts by wiping out the people that had other names for it.
Yeah buddy we all know this. We knew it then. We knew he was lying. He promised he would lower the prices of eggs day one. He’s a liar. But he made the promise, so as stupid as is I’m going to keep holding him to it. I’mma keep bitching.
I really think people who say this aren’t reading the room. It’s not the same old Trump. This is an old broken down mentally deficient Trump. This isn’t a case of an alliance between equals. This is a case of a grifter taking advantage of a guy too old to make decisions for himself. This is like a guy stealing the Social Security checks , altering the will , and selling assets for his own gain. I mean by all means keep saying it, cuz who knows and it is true, I just don’t think it’ll work. If anything it might be embolding Musk and legitimizing him.
It’s really something we’ve seen happen dozens of times before in the last few hundred years. These big liberals, these Grand bourgeoisie, the Arch capitalists they just have no real support base. They rely entirely upon convincing leftists and the little liberals, the petite bourgeoisie, to make common cause with them. But they just can’t resist fucking over everybody. They cannot for the life of them resist doing only things that enrich them and their small Cadre of rich friends. Their support base is an inch wide and not even that deep. Liberals just aren’t our friends. At best they’re temporary allies who were always looking to put a knife in our backs. We need our own party.
Does this mean the rest of the world gets to rename the United states? I kind of love that. A United Nations resolution where every single country in the world just picks a different name for the United States. Hell individual states even.
Wow that headline is super inaccurate. It’s not Democrats mad at liberal groups. It’s Democrats mad at Progressive groups. The Liberals are kind of okay with what’s happening right now. Why so many of the dims are standing around going like oh what can you do, except just cash the checks I guess. The grand bourgeoisie is mad the petite bourgeoisie is speaking up.
Cheapest eggs for my grocery store are $5.65.