Someone with the most basic, rudimentary Photoshop skills (e.g. not me) could turn this into a Saddam meme.
During WWII, everything was in black and white and no gaydar!
“Personally, I suscribe to the Plum Pudding Model of the atomic realm. As a matter of fact, I’m feeling rather peckish right about now… [yelps for food].”
Sauerkraut acidhead… sounds like any of the members of Can, Amon Düül or Neu!
I’d like to try that on a crunchy baguette.
This one might be a little different.
I eat only once a day, but it’s a big one, right before bed.
When I order takeout from… say my favorite burger place in town, usually a double cheeseburger, I ask that they apply no mayo, mustard nor ketchup, as I will reheat it all on the air fryer/toaster oven then apply condiments, don’t want the bread to be getting soggy for hours before dinner.
I also tell them to put the lettuce, tomato, onion and pickles on the side, for the same reason. I bring my own reusable containers for the separate things, to create no plastic/styrofoam waste. That includes tiny ones for the dressing and for the runny cheese for the fries.
Which reminds me of the fries - back home, hours later, I will refry them for a minute or two, they come out almost as good as new.
But this all being home, I can also play around with the burger. Such as stuffing it with a full onion, thinly sliced and caramelized on low heat with olive oil, pepper and a dash of Lawry’s seasoned salt. Maybe also sliced mushrooms sautéed in butter. I’ll also add a few extra slices of yellow heirloom tomato.
One last thing: while the onions are caramelizing on the toaster oven, I’ll also put another tray with a handful of asparagus in olive oil, pepper and garlic salt.
Like a friend described it, I like tuning the burger!
As in “car tuning”, custom burger mods.
“Wait, they’re ALL metals?”
“Always have been.”
What is happening is happening because people don’t vote and regularly allow right-wing shitheads to erode the government and society in bad faith, and George Carlin also said “wHy BoThEr VoTiNg?”
So George Carlin was no messiah and no prophet.
There are no messiahs. There are no prophets.
Yet people insist on “if it’s not perfect and requires my patience and consistency, I’d rather eat shit than lift a finger once a year”.
"I want to be titillated all the time! Homework is boring!
I’d rather eat shit and destroy my life than show patience and consistency!"
Then, in an interminable sausage of typical hollow gestures, a lazy, atrophied mindless lack of self-awareness:
“This government in no way represents me!”
“We have done it, Assurnipal my friend. Now we sit back and wait until someone invents the internal combustion engine.”
There are two kinds of people: people who say there are two kinds of people…
Because the thing you want, is to keep these shitheads living in your head 24/7.
Stretch Armstrong breaks chirality! That strange sound you hear is CPT Symmetry going down the drain!
“I remember back in the day when I squirted JUST LIKE THAT.”
Ah yes… the cover art for Isaac Asimov’s excellent 1980s sequel to the original Foundation Trilogy - Foundation’s Edge.
This is 'Murica, needs more GUN!
i DiDn’T vOtE bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL