Thank you for finding UV blocking lenses. Was worried about your eyes from your previous (very cool) shades post.
Thank you for finding UV blocking lenses. Was worried about your eyes from your previous (very cool) shades post.
What’s the long term plan there?
It’s Chicago School economics; there is no long-term plan.
Balloons are elastic. This would be more like a plastic bag. Plus, there’s more than water in poop, or there should be unless you’re having a really bad time.
Would be nice if fewer people drove like sociopaths.
APR systems also exist and are installed in a good portion of police cars. Likely to get flagged if the plate and make/model do not match.
I’ve tried different wrist wrests over the years but I’ve found that having them floating is the most comfortable for me.
With a more “traditional” layout like this, most wrist rests do more harm than good. Raised (in relation to the keys) palm rests like the Kinesis Advantage boards tend to be better. I’ve also got kinda fucky wrists (injury and starting PT level of fucky) so, small keyboards without finger splay can be quite painful. I ended up needing to change to a Svalboard in order to minimize pain.
I’m thinking about building a split board but I’m still not sure what I’m going to do with that, more research is needed. For some reason I think I want to build a fully wireless corne with Choc switches but I see that the newest corne PCB is not really setup for wireless.
Corne is a fun one. If the PCB has a Pro Micro pin layout, you can swap that with something like a NiceNano (use Mill Max sockets) for “free” wireless.
Was going to say this. My wrists currently hurt but, looking at this makes me much more aware of them.
Quite possibly.
Likely because of the pressure that experienced when the feces mines through the colon.
Not only was the was about maintaining chattel slavery but, also about expanding it. Banning slavery in new territories really pissed the slavers off. Like other hyperstratified socioeconomic structures, it was unsustainable without expansion and the slavers were well aware of this.
Because the undigested corn kernel husks are filled with poop.
According to their posting, their high-end for SWE is $175k/year. They’re considered “exempt” salaried employees, so, they get no overtime. This means that they are getting paid at the same rate as someone making about $80k/year, with far less time to see to their basic needs and forced to work in office in an area with high traffic, so, probably minimum of 45 min either way (longer if mass transit) making it closer to $65k with the uncompensated transit time.
Yes, it’s exploitation.
I was also unable to join your library’s wifi today. Largely because I haven’t been to any libraries today.
Love the switch. Hate the joycon layout.
Not worth it. Asymmetrical stick layout is terrible ergonomically and just terrible because my brain does not like it.
My choices are them or comcrap. Probably switching to the later because ATT is never going to upgrade my lines to fiber, despite living in a major metropolitan area. It really is infuriating.
In fairness, i completely agree that the experts mentioned in the article are more than likely a reliable source of information here and their opinion is almost certainly the one i would side with
In all fairness, I also agree with them likely being a solid source of information. There’s been a huge trend of leveraging academic credentials to boost sensationalism in recent years, so, until I read their reasoning, I am skeptical, specifically of whether or not it is blown out of proportion by the authors or the science communicator.
In everyone’s favorite propaganda film!
doesn’tsupport strikethrough.