Yeah essentially.
India was just mad because of general rivalry lol
Yeah essentially.
India was just mad because of general rivalry lol
No that’s Kashmir.
Punjab is technically a region that also happens to be the name of the province in both Pakistan and India since they both encompass the same region.
The famous tank man photo? That guy wanted the tanks to stay to make sure the area was safe. He was protesting them leaving. There’s video of him that I guarantee people like you haven’t seen despite it being on YouTube.
Aye man cmon not even the most patriotic Red White Blue American believes the IRS are good guys lol
I said this before on another thread, but the only time sfc /scannow actually did something was when I had a machine with a drive that had a few bad blocks.
And of course it didn’t actually fix anything because a system DLL was corrupt so DISM couldn’t even repair the system, meaning the only solution was to reinstall windows.
Lol you can actually demo a github compromise in real time to an audience.
Make a repo with an API key, publish it, and literally just watch as it takes only a few minutes before a script logs in.
The thing I remember about this movie was that India got mad one of the fictional aliens from this movie decided to land in Pakistan instead of India.
The other thing I remember was that they for some reason decided to show the location on the map as “Punjab, Pakistan” which is even more generic because it’s a province not a city.
Also TOML lol
I keep giving actual IRL examples of a populist 3rd party breaking a duopoly in other countries, and people are still downvoting me on c/Politics for such an insane and radical idea.
I’m disappointed the progressives within the Democratic party haven’t contemplated this, because they still feel as if they can fix the party from within, as if their own primaries aren’t rigged every election season.
Like yes there is a big chance you won’t win a majority the next election, but it sets you up as a proper competitor to the system, and soon supporters of both Democrats and Republicans will switch sides en masse after they experience the results and realize there is a better alternative.
You might want to check what the actual hardware is first. You’ll probably be fine, but client 802.11 hardware can sometimes be underwhelming for hosting because they don’t have good stuff like beefed up MuMIMO.
Although that’s assuming you will have a lot of traffic going through it, so you could always just test throughput and latency with iperf to see how well it functions.
I am very slightly annoyed that people haven’t moved onto Opus which gives you better compression and quality than MP3. MP3s are still useful for any older devices that have hardware decoding like radio sets, handheld players, etc. Otherwise, every modern device should support Opus out of box.
Hilariously, x264 has the same problem where there are direct upgrades with H.265 and AV1, but the usage is still low due to lack of hardware accelerated encoding (especially AV1), but like everyone uses FLAC for the audio which is lossless lol.
Thank you for this, I am dumb when it comes to config merge rules because I’ve screwed up ALSA the same way
Looks inside
Constitution written exclusively to protect monopoly business interests and prevent a monarchy
seems legit lol
“How do I do X on Mac”
“First install homebrew, and then install this plugin”
50 plugins later
“There, now I can finally use the GUI”
It depends on what it is really + convenience. There are lots of morons out here running basic info sites on full beefy datacenter VMs instead of a proper cloud webhost service.
The most you’d be getting out of cloud is reliability. Self host assumes you don’t have any bottlenecks (easy enough to pass), but also 99% uptime which is impossible unless you are running with site redundancy (also possible, but I doubt how many people own multiple properties with their own distribute or private cloud solution).
if 95% uptime is acceptable, and you don’t live in an area with outage issues from weather, I’d say go for it. Otherwise, you can find some pretty cheap cloud solutions for basic websites. Even a cheapo VPS would probably work just fine.
John Calvin strongly believed in predestination, whereas Thomas Hobbes believed in free will
HL2 Source engine sfx will never not be funny
Ruin it by making it into the Elite Dangerous universe.
Who cares about exploration and protecting emerging civilizations when you can make funny images with the galaxy route map and participate in huge system control wars for void opals lol.
Or give random items to Thargoids for a totally scientific process of investigation.
EU folds immediately whenever the USA walks in drunk with its imperialist demands.
Did jack shit during the entire Israel-Gaza situation because the number one rule is to not piss off Uncle Sam.
Even their international trade standards get regularly abused by the US to impose sanctions on anyone they want, without acting like they’re responsible.
Pakistan had all these dumbass trade restrictions that magically got lifted the literal day their democratically elected PM was thrown in jail. All of the sudden the IMF (UN, just one example) shut the hell up about gas subsidies and opened the loan book like nothing happened.
Also kdenlive was still a pain for me to work with, but that was mostly because of its layout, shorcuts, and wording of some features.
Otherwise yeah, we’ve made it pretty far.