You can wash your clothes, yes, but I’d still expect Mr Catalyst to have more than one outfit. Though to be fair maybe his closet is just full of the same plaid shirts.
I’m not sure the US saying “okay, Putin gets whatever he wants” is going to be as effective as Trump would like to think.
… One could say the same of participation in the electoral process. Taking your ball and going home doesn’t work any better as a voter than as an official.
Wah! I refuse to leave the leopard cage and don’t understand why there are leopards in it!
Posts like this make me question the wisdom of being on Lemmy. The more I look at the kind of messaging I see on this platform, the more I think maybe it isn’t great. It’s a lot of demotivating, depression-inducing, defeatist gloom and doom and far fewer calls to action than I remember seeing on other platforms in previous conservative administrations.
I’m starting to feel like having a particularly leftist environment where the most frequent message is “we’re fucked the there’s nothing we can do about it” mostly just works to prevent the people who might actually get together and do something from doing anything at all.
I’m also not really sure where else to go for content aside from YouTube and Ground News though, at this point. Maybe we would benefit from considering the impact of the kind of things we’re signalling to the rest of the left, though. Because I’m not sure this is helping at all, and it may be actively making the situation worse.
We have ample reason to be discouraged, but I’m not sure targeting the only block of voters and potential activists who might actually both give a shit and be educated enough to get something to budge in order to inflict depression is a good strategy.
Only the reactants ever change their clothes, and reactant 1 only changes after leaving the catalyst.
That man stinky.
Also there’s a bridesmaid in the back covering some guy’s face out of crab in a bucket distress at not being in the picture.
Turnip just really liked that Civil War movie and wanted to see the setting up close.
That was an autocorrect typo but I’m leaving it because I like it.
Nah, inability to produce the actual image is the point. All the “artist” did was type in a box, so that’s all the purchaser gets.
It would be kind of funny to offer AI schlock for sale and then give the buyer a framed copy of the prompt instead of the print itself
This could be a great time to make a Captain America movie that captures the current political moment and actually says something. Redskull running for president and taking over the country or something, while Cap has to fight against an utterly feckless Iron Man capitulating to corporatocracy and punch a bunch of Nazis in cheap Temu suits. But that would require a spine.
Everyone knows in real life your shoes come apart every 15 minutes and if you don’t eat every 20 minutes you’ll immediately die.
It’s pretty neat that we can see something like that from the distant past of our universe. Like, I’m aware that everything we see out in space is pretty delayed, but hearing this referred to as being in the ‘early universe’ really drives home that we’re looking into the past on such incredibly long time scales. It makes the hundred thousand years or so from one end of the Milky Way to the other sound pretty recent in comparison.
So… No one should ever give any feedback on what kinds of thread anyone else posts? Not sure I agree with that.
Because it’s populating my feed?
I’m surprised 0Patch hasn’t been mentioned in this thread. There’s really no reason to stop using Windows 10 after EOL if you can still get security updates.
This is actually why I stopped using Startrek.website, though. One of their mods posts constant updates about STO. Honestly, I’m pretty sure he’s employed by STO.
What’s wrong with archive links?
To be fair, it is kind of odd to post patch notes. All sorts of games get new patches all the time. If people start making a habit of posting every set of patch notes for the games that they play, it’d very quickly become a substantial portion of the posts here.
Personally, if people were regularly spamming patch notes I’d probably eventually either block the community or block the poster.
It is a massive eye roll.