What do they need to file suit for? The session was adjourned. No business could happen. It holds as much sway as if I waltzed into the chambers and held a vote declaring myself speaker. They should ignore it until a proper vote can happen.
What do they need to file suit for? The session was adjourned. No business could happen. It holds as much sway as if I waltzed into the chambers and held a vote declaring myself speaker. They should ignore it until a proper vote can happen.
The sovcit *overstands" it.
But what are the chances of that? Probably like 1 in a million.
Fevers are no joke.
Careful or they’ll hit you with a performance contract and you’ll owe them trillions for inconveniencing them.
Nothing a little reprogramming can’t fix.
Good gods! Already? Could they not have prepped us for this with an announcement like last month?
He’s ambulatory giving the appearance of life. Unclear if that’s real or his soulless animated carcass is being driven by pure hate and ignorance.
I feel like that should be “will have shat”
Best I can do is unceremoniously flop your limp corpse on the pile and sprinkle a little lye on it.
I have add and take adderall. My alarm is set for 7 and 8. At 7, I get up, take my meds (more than just adderall), let the dogs out, and feed them. I do all this trying to stay as “asleep” as possible and go right back down to nap until 8. By then the adderall has started to kick in and I literally can’t stay asleep.
Had a similar experience at a job. One source of resistance I found was engineers knowing upper management had absolutely no stomach for the type of change that the company desperately needed. This would lead to them likely not implementing anything meaningful. So rather than waste their time helping me and getting on board with the changes, they just kept churning out the same trash and questioned why I hadn’t made all their lives better.
Everyone wants change so long as they don’t have to be the ones to change.
They’ve offered ALL their thoughts and prayers! How much more can you expect from these saints!?
If anyone gives you a dirty look for saying it, immediately apologize and correct the pronunciation to "vank"panzer.
He’s also been known to associate with the hacker known as 4chan.
“And I don’t want it to work on anyone else’s backyard neither!” - American GOP
He was “traveling”. That’s their workaround for not needing to have a driver’s license normally.
To an extent, they are right. Everyone has the right to travel freely. As in, a state is not allowed to restrict your ability to go from point A to point B. However, wroth with all things legal, it’s subject to reasonable limitations. You can walk from A to B unless that causes you to cross a busy highway on foot. You can’t drive around other taxpayers on taxpayer funded roads without a valid DL.
That’s not how that’s pronounced in Greek. It’s just like Kai in Cobra Kai. Or the first syllable of the name Kyle.
We live in a snowy area and during the winter we can have an entire month just not produce.
It bothers me that he doesn’t seem to think minneapolis would be included in minnesota. But I’ll let it slide if we can join canadia