mbt2402 [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2024


  • Subjects who got six hours of sleep a night for two weeks straight functioned as poorly as those who were forced to stay awake for two days straight.

    this is literally not what the study finds. chatgpt generated article. For digit-symbol-substitution, by the end of the study (14 days) they find taht the 6 hour group, when corrected at the rate of learning of the 8 hour group, performed as bad as the ONE night sleep deprived group. Note that this is entangling sleep’s effect on learning with its direct effect on cognitive performance. Also. for the serial-addition-substitution, after 14 days it was the 4 hour of sleep group that was as bad as the 1 night deprived group. maybe they only looked at the reflex-response task, where the 6 hour group barly scrapes into the 2-day-deprived group’s margin of error.

    Here is the article to see for yourself: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/a09sl5sp.pdf. Note that when they say “linear” they mean “not saturating” as opposed to a strictly linear effect.

    ALSO ALSO with respect to the subjective sleepiness thing, using the power model and then saying that its due to nonlinearity of the observation variable, but then looking at the subjective sleepiness score which is visually VERY SIMILAR and saying “yep thats linear for the 0hr group and saturating for 4hr,6hr” doesn’t pass muster.

  • firstly understand the context which is smooth manifolds, for simplicity imagine a 2d manifold embedded in 3d space - so a sheet of rubber that can pass through itself but can’t kink or do any funny business, just like in that sphere inversion video.

    the definition of a manifold is basically that it can be built out of patches (sheets of rubber in our analogy), for instance to make a sphere, we need two sheets of rubber (ignore the actual logistics of the deformation required).

    Now say that our sheets of rubber come with a textured and a smooth side, there are two ways to attach the sheets of rubber to make a sphere, one of which produces a sphere which is entirely smooth on the outside. This is what we mean by orientable, we can build it out of patches with a consistent “outside”.

    Consider the counterexample of a mobius strip, which we construct from a single strip of rubber by attaching one end to the other “backwards” (rough-smooth). Since we have defined it this way, it cannot be orientable. The klein bottle is another example, but somewhat cooler than the mobius strip since its a surface without edges.

    However, there are many different definitions of orientable depending on the context, since manifolds are a lot more general than I have shown you here.

    I don’t know what orientable manifolds have to do with being responsible.