May the melting pot grind my oriental charm into fine dust

  • 13 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023


  • Incredibly common, but I don’t really have an indication as to whether it’s an extreme amount or not, because I’ve lived here my entire life and haven’t been abroad too much, so I’ll try describing it their presence in public:

    • Soldiers are one of the primary users of public transport, because they’re teens and they barely have shuttle buses
    • Some administrative/technological roles in the military might not provide you with lodging, so it looks like a 9-5. Sometimes you’ll end your day and go fuck around in the city while in uniform; I did that frequently
    • Infantry soldiers have a choice when going back home for the weekend: either wait hours for the privilege to deposit their weapon in a safe, or just take it with them home and carry it around

  • Love it! I did feel uncomfortable with 2010s-Facebook-style excessive public sharing. Most of my friends, with me included, abuse the close friends Instagram feature and I’m all for it. I know a couple of people who deleted their old Facebook accounts because digital footprint was too frightening – particularly, the shit they posted during their teens in private Facebook groups that they have long left.

    All of this is obviously not related whatsoever to data harvesting; this fight is against individual stalkers rather than corporate ones. But it’s a blessed one non the less; stalking shouldn’t really be a thing.

  • Technological advancements have the unfortunately intended side effect of corporations having less people they gotta pay to, because machines are quite the competitor sometimes. While I think OP is being a bit pedantic here, efficiency in and of itself is not inherently good – the question should be who’s extracting the profit. If the increased efficiency translates into less working hours… hell yeah. If it translates into record megacorp profits, then… I see no need in eliminating these unnecessary jobs for now – the worker gets their bread and that’s what I care about

  • Not normal, indeed Israeli Jews tens to show forgiveness to the people in power during Gaza bombardments. An old trick is to drop some bombs on Gazans before elections in order to get the polls up, used both by Netanyahu and his current opposition when they had a one-year government.

    The thing is, in addition to what commenters below me said which are completely right, our current public infrastructure is in an ongoing privatization process since the US meddling in 1985. They were not able to handle the flood of Israelis fleeing from border-adjacent areas, and they left citizens to pick up this task by themselves. They couldn’t find the money to house and feed them, let alone handle the developing first- and second-hand trauma. It has to do both with privatization and corrupt inadequate nominations (thoroughly covered by the media in the last year).