White-men for Kamala :'D
White-men for Kamala :'D
Hawks decimated my sheeple.
I dont think Dems have any power left anymore. The latest DNC was worse than clown world. And the unhinged ranting by Dem reps against USAID to Somalia ??? or Yemen ??? or BURMA ??? Are effing kidding me ??? Are there no sensible Dems reading the room ???
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You almost got it. GNU/Linux. TFTFY
RHEL is subscription based. Not just support anymore. Also for product.
Swastik is a sacred symbol for Hindus and Buddhists. Next you will call us -ists and -phobes.
Getting downvoted for being based. Lemmy is for lemmings it seems. I give up on this platform.
Essential. Basic. Standard. Deluxe. Office (SOHO). Pro. Expert. Enterprise. Datacenter.
Software editions have taught me that so many levels have been invented that we might as well use level1,2,3,4,5 etc…
Just get an alien race to build a dyson sphere and supply everything with energy on demand to all earth based lifeforms.
Anger is the mind blanket I will let the anger flow over me I will seize it and shape it to my will And let it blow away like sand.
My version of dune’s thingy :-D
“I have no fear, for fear is the little death that kills me over and over. Without fear, I die but once.”
NB: setup a NAS with either nfs or smb/cifs or fish/sshfs for your home folder.
That way wherever or whatever distro you boot on your home network you can mount your home folder and relogin with all your data and configs in place. Replicate if you want local copies with rsync to avoid duplication and drift.
Combine harvesters are used to till, plow , sow seed , spray, water, reap and manage farms and most livestock have dedicated automated farming tools like cow milkers, feeders, shearers, etc. How long before no humans needed to hunt or forage or farm? When food is even cheaper to produce( of course the ai overlords and ai royalty ) but will hunger games everyone to get the artificially shortage and scarcity farm for vast amounts of resources to select groups.
There is a term but I forget but its something like ai-slop or ai collective hallucinations. If you feed enough ai-gen output back as ai input it becomes some insane garbage.
Ai-herder or Robot-farmer or Llama-raiser etc etc
devs still needed to ensure code is sane and not some insane hallucination.
Hol’ up.
Mathematics tries to describe our world. So … Essentially EVERYTHING is mathematically described to the extent of our knowledge…
What is not mathematical? Human thought? Human behaviour? Even those are described but not perfectly.
So even if we say something is “perfect” it is only to the maximum observable human extent and limits.
Either everything is perfect or nothing is perfect or it is somewhere inbetween.
Am I in lemmy shitpost or something?
Clown eggs 2-times-table physics???
And the most boring life of some random person. Even if you expose all the details either it will be slightly less than cringe or complete banality.
Who would ever want to read posts of some guy who works 9 to 5 job and does nothing weekends? For some 30 years???
Internet people are weird man.
I found that YT channel takes to be exactly opposite to what I liked. It was like they hate everything I like about anime and I hate everything that they praised :-D
I wanna make LO look exactly like MSOFF and troll the hell outta every MSOFF user.
Also I wanna go back to IBM Lotus Symphony look. It was the best interface for me.