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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’m not. The US Military is sneakily a very large commercial partner in Hollywood. They frequently loan out equipment, bases, personnel, and more to movies that depict the armed forces as good guys. Top Gun, Battleship, Goldeneye, Iron Man 1/2, The Day After Tomorrow, and the Transformers movies are all sponsored by the US Military. So it makes sense they’d be at a movie/culture festival. Not to mention it’s a target rich environment for their core demo: men between the ages of 18 and 25

  • Gale’s “bad” ending is actually the best ending in the game.

    Who cares that he doesn’t get character growth, he disappointed a cat and an old man, HE’S A GOD! Seriously, nothing else matters. So what if Ao is going to make him earn his spot on the pantheon? He’s immortal, he has literally forever to do it. Sure professor Gale is fun and more chill, but he’s still mortal. In six months Gale does what Vlaakith has been attempting for centuries. I don’t know how you can be disappointed in someone for successfully becoming a god

  • Trump fails logistics once again. Mandatory military service makes sense in smaller countries because you need a minimum number of people to make a military function. In larger countries like America, we wouldn’t even know what to do with that many soldiers. On average 4 million Americans turn 18 each year. Let’s assume we’re only taking men, and that generously half of them find a way out of service. That’s still 1 million new recruits each year. America has the third largest military in terms of manpower in the world and we have 1.4 million active duty troops. In one year we’d double the number of active troops. Now you need to pay, feed, house, arm, and train them, which all takes… more personnel!

    After seeing his absolutely bungled exit from Afghanistan, I have full faith in that administration to handle that transition

  • American tax forms have an “other income” field. That’s where you can report any money you’ve made not covered by the other fields including any ill gotten gains. That section doesn’t require you to list a source, and even if it did nobody expects you to list “$7,800 - meth sales, $32,200 - crack sales, $50,000 - robberies”. You’d just say “Other income - $90,000”

    The logic being that if the government never gives you the opportunity to pay taxes on something, then they can’t charge you with tax evasion. Plus there’s a lot of money in crime! If the US can get a piece of that pie they will!

    Finally, the IRS is an already underfunded organization and contrary to the popular narrative, is very easy to work with. If you make a genuine good faith effort to pay your taxes and they find issues, an agent will work with you to resolve it. They’ll set up payment plans, defer payments, and more if you’re cooperative. All this is to say that reporting people for crimes besides tax ones and terrorism (the only one they’re legally required to report to outside agencies) just makes their job harder, so they don’t

  • You assume America would just casually let that happen. It’s one thing to leave a multinational body, that doesn’t cost you citizens and can be (incorrectly) argued that it would benefit The UK. There would be no benefit to America if they let Texas secede so they won’t allow it. So if America won’t allow it then Texas would have to secede by force

    I guarantee you the moment a drone strike hits a Houston suburb a whole bunch of wealthy Republicans will realize playing revolutionary isn’t nearly as fun as it sounds. Shortly after most of the people in the state would gladly roll over to come back to America