Dunno what I’m doing here. I’m a fan of federation, but not sure about microblogging. Trying see what’s going on with Trek and arboriculture.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2022


  • @worfamerryman

    I recently completed all the official releases myself. I’m now working on the fan made movies/shows(give Star Trek Continues a shot. It’s like TOS, and in some ways better). In general, I don’t like any of the movies. They’re ok, but I’d prefer they took the budgets, and made 10(or more!) tv episodes instead. I like more thought, and less action/effects. TAS was ok. The kitschy cartoon style is cool. I’m from the era, so it’s nostalgic for me :^D

  • @startrek

    I finished Phase II New Voyages… I guess… There was one episode left, and apparently they got the smackdown from CBS, and it was never released. It was getting good too. Everything was tightening up, and they were finding their footing, per Star Trek tradition. It’s a perversion of copyright law. Copyright is to ensure works get produced. A monopoly isn’t the end goal. Not like these shows are real competition. If anything, they bolster the franchise.

  • @Reva @Corgana
    “He looks just like Ted, the sysadmin from Xcorp”

    “That’s because that /is/ Ted, the sysadmin from Xcorp” :^D

    I know what you mean. I think I could work with that though. It gives it a more true life representation of people doing their thing. When combined with the other “errors” though; it makes it harder… or something. Probably best to adjust expectations, and enjoy them for what they are. Homemade Trek is better than no Trek, so it’s something new when nothing else is on