In a way, not emigrating to the imperial core when I had the chance ended up being a blessing in disguise (so far)
In a way, not emigrating to the imperial core when I had the chance ended up being a blessing in disguise (so far)
According to Reddit, this is what winning looks like.
I don’t know why but having even a small bookshelf makes the space a lot better.
I honestly didn’t think investors would be scared from their own madness this easily.
I don’t know but I feel he’s playing with fire here
Yes, if you are not Saudi Arabia and allies.
I personally think this is bravado to negotiate something more realistic, although if he really wanted to it’s unlikely Canada would resist.
This time they’ll make a difference!
It’s alright but if you really want it to be private, specially when in a public space, you should use a cable. It would be faster too.
We don’t know, we only know that he forced the deal, to the point where Witkoff got Netanyahu to receive him during the sabbath.
Insane to think Trump actually did more than Biden for the palestinians before he even was in office.
Very likely, yes.
I read them when the topic interests me and might actually have some interesting insight. When it’s posted to make fun of the MSM’s narratives, there really isn’t a reason to read is there?
Split keyboards are great, hope you push through the frustration of relearning to type.
I used to play yugioh, although I admit it was a bit difficult even meeting people and asking for a game at the start, but once I got used to the same people being there it got a lot easier.
I found where people went to play on facebook, of all things. For this sort of thing it’s actually useful still.
Regardless of anything, it looks really cool so thumbs up from me 👍
Population growth is likely to slow or be virtually inexistent in a society where people are allowed to choose if they want children and how many they want.
They’ll certainly try
I’m sorry you had a bad time. But I’d definitely listen to what was said and double-check what the technician said. Unless you decided to use as much force as a bull pulling a cart, you shouldn’t have broken anything (other than the usb pins perhaps, but those are optional).
Being poor is expensive.