I also work in IT and I’ve had decent experiences with wearing noise cancelling headphones. Not only blocks noise but also people are less likely to interrupt you while wearing headphones. I have a whole work playlist of to get me in a focused mood.
I also work in IT and I’ve had decent experiences with wearing noise cancelling headphones. Not only blocks noise but also people are less likely to interrupt you while wearing headphones. I have a whole work playlist of to get me in a focused mood.
I think this happens in other countries too. It’s a result of neoliberalism:
Now, I think the US is having it especially bad. In Germany they do regularly cut social security but we have public health insurance (though the rich get to opt out instead of paying their share) and overall a wealth distribution which is not good but also not quite as bad as the US. We also have a very different job market: Due to lack of highly educated workers, it’s easy to get a job and good conditions if you have a good education (which is basically free if you can afford to take the time). And they can’t fire you willy-nilly, this is hugely important for becoming financially stable and feeling safe.
Our main problem economically is the “Debt Brake” - a rule that limits government debt (and thus spending) without accounting for the required infrastructure investments. That doesn’t make any economic sense - anyone would loan money to make an investment if that facilitates economic growth!
Mal egal, was man von der Organisation hält: das ist doch ein friedlicher Protest? Warum heult die Union da gleich wieder rum, die Protestierenden würden den demokratischen Diskurs verlassen?? Aber bei den Rechten - von denen faktisch eine viel größere Gefahr ausgeht - alles verharmlosen… absolut doppelbödig!