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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023


  • Yep, there it is. An article by a modern socialist writer. You can actually read some theory, or you can keep chugging American state department propaganda. Capitalism or socialism? It’s time to decide, America is collapsing and they will engage in a last ditch effort war on China in a feeble attempt to maintain their empire. You can either side with America, repeating western propaganda you see on the “news” and reddit; or you can stand with the workers of the world— the colonized nations and the socialist states that stand up for them. Imperial core or international proletariat?

  • Is the US Holocaust Memorial Museum a good source?

    Seeing as they don’t have a single citation in that entire page, no, it’s not a good source

    And this UN article mentions human rights violations, which, fine, nobody is arguing that there aren’t human rights violations in Xinjiang detention centers. But compared to US prisons, these conditions are pleasant. NOTHING in that article is even hinting at genocide. And comparing prison time for 2-18 months to genocide is deeply offensive to peoples who have actually suffered genocide. You sound like a typical white westerner who is trying to whitewash the crimes of your country by projecting them onto other countries