Gotta find those zero-day exploits!
Echoes of late 2022 when Twitter abruptly fired thousands of people, then turned around days later and tried to rehire many of them. I’m sure it’s purely a coincidence that one person is closely tied to both incidents.
Hell yes. I took some of the best pictures of my life with a beaten-up old K1000.
+1 for judo if it is available in your area. It’s tons of fun.
The attitude of the teacher and other students matters more than the martial arts style. You want a fun, positive environment. Sit in on a class or two and talk to the other parents about their experiences. It should quickly become apparent whether you and your 6-year-old will enjoy that particular school or not.
That’s really interesting. I saw the term “international dollar” but glossed right over it.
I banned a few of them from SJW yesterday. When I get some free time I can go through the list of candidates and ban the obvious impersonators. It would be easier if UniversalMonk didn’t have so many alts to begin with.
Bidding ends in 9 days.
Edit: Current bid is up to $305 $505 $676 $710 $1920 $2345 $2365
Agreed. But it’s a slow-rolling one so far. I think defiance of an order of war would boil over a bit faster.
I have seen 100g gold bars available for US$10k, so you would have US$100k worth of gold.
In the wealthiest countries that’s about 4x the median annual income, so 4 years worth of wages. In the poorest countries it’s about 250 years worth of wages. This is simplistic math that does not account for purchasing power parity or other variables. But it’s safe to say this would be a massive amount of money for most of the people on earth. It would not only change the individual’s life, but would give them the ability to alter the trajectory of their children’s and grandchildren’s lives for the better.
I would expect an invasion order to be a breaking point that causes US political collapse and possibly a civil war.
The military brass might very well break the chain of command and refuse to follow an order to invade Canada. While I think that would be the right move, it would be a major constitutional crisis and there is no resolution that would not send one political faction or another completely off the rails.
This community has a “No politics or political figures” rule, so I’m going to take this down shortly. This post would be a better fit in !
There’s a wonderful sign hanging in a Toronto junkyard which reads, ‘Help Beautify Junkyards. Throw Something Lovely Away Today.’
I just had to look this up. I couldn’t find any pictures of the sign in Canada, but I did find this photo from somewhere near Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
Plemmy is a Python library that might be helpful for building a bot:
Also this Lemmy API reference:
Frame Saver is one example of an anti-rust product you can spread inside your frame: Though as j4k3 mentioned these products are not perfect.
In reality, the rust in a steel frame isn’t usually bad enough to make the frame unusable. The bigger problem is interfaces between parts. Seatposts love to get stuck in steel frames that have been left in the rain too long. Screws, too.
Aluminum, titanium, and carbon frames will not corrode significantly in wet weather. In rainy areas you will sometimes find people who have a winter bike in one of those materials, and save their steel bike for the drier months.
It’s so pretty! 😻
Edit: Oh, I thought I was in noncredibledefense. I’m not normally this shitposty about guns, I promise.
And a Defend Equality sticker on the stock! Super based. This person has an open invitation to all my backyard cookouts next summer.
The Calvin peeing window decal is the cherry on top. 🤌