I’ve only seen that logo at gas stations and assumed it was a fleet fuel card
I’ve only seen that logo at gas stations and assumed it was a fleet fuel card
I wonder if this is to try to more directly counter Shopify?
I’m impressed at your willingness to try; almost no one does. I hope you like it!
That’s where we always lose people. It’s actually good! It works!
Not in a position to watch this, but I have done some very basic insert edits in my time and it was certainly the faster way to accomplish the task in those cases. I did appreciate the speed and relative ease of the task.
My wife used to own a bakery and always said you’re not actually supposed to eat the fondant. It is “edible” but she recommended treating it like a decorative wrapping paper.
Raw flour is not recommended for direct consumption because it can actually carry foodborne illnesses. I suppose you could “cook” it in the oven with no other ingredients to have a similar experience but killing any potential pathogens.
I’ve never tried it but you won’t have to convince me!
This is very much a regional food around here, but if you’re not from here, with previous generations from here, it will seem like a strange food: the banana sandwich. This is peanut butter, banana, and mayonnaise (Duke’s Mayonnaise for any proper Southerner). People are generally on board until you mention the mayonnaise. I get that it sounds weird but is actually really good.
I hear it called a Southern thing but don’t know if it’s just a North Carolina thing or extends farther across the South. It is definitely a thing, though. I remember years ago one of the larger news outlets posted a question on their Facebook page, asking if people sliced their banana into planks or circles for their sandwiches and it got hundreds of comments in response with people arguing for one option or the other. I’ve always been a circle person myself. I can see a theoretical appeal for planks in having less open space but am so used to circles that I’ve never quite figured out the logistics of cutting straight planks out of a curved banana.
I wish I’d done more research on ours; it was an older model on clearance so we got it relatively cheap and figured it would be good enough. It dries fine but the Sensor Dry only operates at one temperature: Warm. You can also push the Eco button which seems to lower the temperature slightly, while taking longer of course. In fact out of its dozen drying presets only one lets you change the temperature: Timed Dry. The only way I can dry my clothes on Low and try to prevent shrinkage is to put it on Timed Dry and run it for about 80-85 minutes, maybe shorter depending on humidity and how many clothes are in the load.
I’m guessing this is nothing to do with the plant that can grow on amusing terra cotta sculptures?
I never used to eat it but actually like adding it to oatmeal with maple syrup and blueberries
It’s E as in Embraer, the manufacture of the plane. Their models always start with an E, and their related family of jets (E170/175 and E190/195) are collectively called the E-Jet family. This is derived from the larger versions (E190/E195) and is thus the E-Freighter.
There’s an MGM+?
This is more to replace the digital signs that currently use LCD/LED displays. It’s more readable in the daytime because it doesn’t need a ridiculously bright backlight to compete against the sun. Compared to those signs this uses dramatically less electricity because it only uses electricity when the image changes (reading the article some of the options run off a small battery pack like you could use to recharge your phone a few times). Iirc you also don’t really have burn-in issues with e-ink. It looks like their color reproduction has gotten a lot better with the latest generation, so this could be a really good fit for a lot of outdoor digital signs.
Reading through the admin’s post it looks like they have the exact same issue with chapo.chat being registered by an admin who is no longer active and not responding to the rest of the admin team. They explicitly say to view the move to chapo.chat as temporary unless they can get control of that domain.
Sounds like a good lesson for them and many other fediverse instances to form some sort of non-profit/club/organization legal entity and better ensure that these critical items are open to multiple individuals to reduce the bus factor. I would assume having a legal entity would make it easier to get donations to cover costs too.
Pull the plug on your computer sometime to try it out?
Somehow it didn’t register to me that Canada has a senate even though that’s the name of Ottawa’s hockey team.
Gives me strong vibes of World Class Leaderboard on DOS! I’d go ahead and pick this up but my wife was just telling me today we need to be a little more careful on spending (she had surgery and we’ve been getting more takeout than normal). But it’s on my wishlist now!
I guess it’s for anyone who wants a 35,000 lbf vacuum engine?