• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Live service can be awesome if done right and with good enough intentions, but for the most part it’s just about maximizing profits and minimizing effort for the developer / publisher. Add decision made not by lead designers / game directors but excel warriors and we end up with Call of Battlefield: Black Duty 17 Battlepass Edition with optional Subscriber Package.

    But this whole situation creates the ideal situation to get gems like baldurs gate 3, battlebit, factorio, even games like cyberpunk stand out of the whole profit maximizing shit show.

  • Nothing really, we played it for 120h and then moved on to other games. I assume many other players did as well. It’s not a live service game with seasonal content and constant changes or updates. There are no leagues or leader boards so there is no reason to return to the game other than the occasional fun round with others.

    But to be honest it’s fine as it is, solid game play and nice maps. Not every game needs to run indefinitely and keep huge numbers of concurrent players. The devs did their thing, showed the world what games should be like and now they earned their retirement. If they come back with updates, good. If they decide to make another banger game, even better. But they don’t have to, if every game is an endless time sink with seasons, battle passes, skins, mtx and fomo built in there would be no exceptional games like we had in the past years.

    Also the game is highly dependent on the people you play with, the longer fps games run the better people usually get. Beginners or players with little time get pushed out because there are seasoned gamers that do nothing else than running the best meta weapon and learned all the maps. So for new players the fun declines and veterans keep complaining about the lack of new players.

  • I can run the scripts by hand but I have to do everything else (logging, rollovers, notifications, etc.) by hand too, that is what I wanted to avoid.

    Permissions are not a big deal inside the containers and even If there is an issue, this is for my home nas. I don’t really care If I have to spend a couple of hours to fix broken permissions after restoring something from a backup.

  • Naja wenn ich mir überlege wie viele durch verschiedene Plattformen mit einem schlechten / geschädigten Selbstbild aufgewachsen sind. Wie man aussieht, sich ernährt, was man gut oder schlecht finden soll und vor allem wie man mit Kritik und anderen Meinungen umgehen sollte. Es muss ja nicht immer das Hardcore Problem in der eigenen Psyche sein, es reichen da auch schon kleine Dinge aus. Dasjsgt zwar eher an der fehlenden Medienkompetenz als an der elterlichen Kontrolle, aber der Effekt ist trotzdem vorhanden und dem sollte man nicht unterschätzen. Alleine die fehlende Fähigkeit der Empathie fällt mir in letzter Zeit immer mehr auf.