Yeah, went to donate but they’d shut up shop already. Melted like snowflakes
Yeah, went to donate but they’d shut up shop already. Melted like snowflakes
All you’d have to do to make it much more readable is separate the time and the year with some kind of separator like a hyphen, slash or dot. Also “Z” is the time zone, denoting UTC (see also military time zones)
So virtually human unreadable and the letters make machine readability a pain in the ass?
You Americans all need to eat more fibre
Mmmm yeah, I currently work in a cafe, so I get the benefits of climate control with the benefits of basically only dealing with people face to face. If it was a better paid job I’d probably just stay in it.
I’m so glad I don’t work in an office and I dread the day I do
That’s the thing: if you or I got 10mil we’d live it up and not worry about accumulating more wealth. Beyond that it’s just collecting for collecting’s sake. Clearly, when you’re the richest man on earth, the only way to collect more (of anything) is to collect power by buying the president.
There’s two types of military SONAR: active and passive. Active SONAR is using pings and listening for the echo, but it’s not very commonly used by submarines. Passive sonar is just listening out for engine noise from ships and prop noise from other submarines. Warships use active SONAR more because they’re already noisy and so if they think an enemy submarine is in the area they’ll use it to try and locate, but in peacetime it’s mostly reserved for training exercises. It’s still terrible for wildlife, even if they don’t die it’s very distressing and disorientating but it’s not constantly scanning like a RADAR.
Yes, but the sort of person who thinks they can clean and jerk with no training is also the sort of person to get that and an overhead press confused.
Unfortunately it’s very difficult not to support Amazon indirectly because they make a lot of their money from AWS, which a large fraction of the internet runs on.
My parents insist that it works the same either way despite me explaining that there is a pretty wash rinse. But because they put the powder or tablet in while the little compartment is still wet, the detergent occasionally doesn’t release properly.
No, why?
Sounds about right. I’d seen “slot machines” (we call em poker machines or “the pokies”) more times than I can remember before I was 18.
I heard an idea once about making minimum wage 0$ and giving everyone a liveabke UBI. That would mean that nobody is required to participate in the workforce, meaning that employers who can’t afford to pay their workers a good wage would be priced out of the market rather than being able to prey upon peoples need for, y’know, money (which can be exchanged for goods and services). A very appealing idea for a 16 year old boy, and the only issue I see with it now is extreme specialisation in the workforce leading to less competition between different workplaces for similar jobs.
Yeah, you’ve got a point, but because you’re a cunt nobody’s taking you seriously
Don’t worry, you’ll just import volunteers from Australia at great expense when you do have massive fires
Many naval vessels have been sunk by their own crew rather than be captured by the enemy. It’s called scuttling.
That’s what I wanna know!
Our rituals around death are really for the living. We should respect the wishes of the family of the deceased because it’s important to make the (already difficult) grieving rituals as meaningful and painless as possible, not because of the moral qualities of the deceased.
Yeah, I stink after a day of work, but I’d probably get away with once every two days if I had a desk job and drove to work.