I didn’t play it when it came out, but playing it years later it fits the classic B game of the 2000s. Some alien or high tech gone wrong, with some attempts at an edgy meaningful plot and a twist villian trying to take over the world.
I didn’t play it when it came out, but playing it years later it fits the classic B game of the 2000s. Some alien or high tech gone wrong, with some attempts at an edgy meaningful plot and a twist villian trying to take over the world.
Haha, dark void is one of those games I was really interested in when it first came out and have had on my backlog for years, yet have never heard a good thing about it.
Either way, IRS ensures people pay their taxes. Only people who benefit from less IRS agents are those making enough to owe taxes (the wealthy).
If you just want lower taxes, then that would be an issue for congress. Fewer IRS resources just mean the rich get to steal more.
Thanks for jumping in on this. I just think OP has heard DRM bad and not thought about what DRM means. Once youre asking for a service that does everything for you, DRM doesn’t really play a role.
I could see an arguement for open playlist formats or something so you could move your account history around, but there is a limit to how useful or practical that would even be.
I mean I understand and support DRM free media, but I literally don’t understand what OP is asking for. If they don’t want to own/manage the music, then what part would be DRM free?
LaTeX is the go to for academic papers and I’ve and liked overleaf too.
It already exists, but the sands of time Metroidvania “Lost Crowns” was surprisingly good.
How would you define a DRM-free online service? If you aren’t managing your own files, why would DRM free matter?
Thanks, OP seemed more curious about the technical aspects than just the absurdity of the comment (since pretty much every business uses SQL) so hoped a more technical explanation might be appreciated.
Sure, basically any time you have a many-to-many relationship you’ll have to repeat keys multiple times. Think students taking courses. You’d have a students table and a courses table, but the relationship is many students take many courses. So you’d want a third table for lookups where each row is [student_id, course_id].
This stackoverflow post has a similar example with authors and books - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13970628/how-do-i-model-a-many-to-many-relation-in-sql-server#13970688
If SSNs are used as a primary key (a unique identifier for a row of data) then they’d have to be duplicated to be able to merge data together.
However, even if they aren’t using ssn as an identifier as it’s sensitive information. It’s not uncommon to repeat data either for speed/performance sake, simplicity in table design, it’s in a lookup table, or you have disconnected tables.
Having a value repeated doesn’t tell you anything about fraud risk, efficency, or really anything. Using it as the primary piece of evidence for a claim isn’t a strong arguement.
I’ve tried the AIO container. The issue I’ve had is that I already have a file system for documents and try to attach it as a network drive, it’s at this point everything falls apart (not to mention just generally slow performance).
Sorry I can’t really help, but can commiserate. Nextcloud is the one service I’ve never gotten to run right. Not sure if its gotten any better but a year or two ago I was trying and just wasn’t getting consistent results from it.
Thats fair, it’s a bit nerve racking (especially right now with everything going on). If you’ve got a good interest rate on the account then you’re at least not loosing too much value, but the main reason to invest is that money looses value over time (due to things like inflation).
Not a fiduciary or anything like that, but double check your at least getting at least 3% on your savings accounts, otherwise you’re basically throwing money away.
So do we or don’t we like wasm?
So what do you invest in then? It feels really hard to find any opportunities outside of the stock market.
He’s voted no on a couple of nominees, but he had been the senate republican leader. Not being able to sway more people would lead me to belive he’s either on the outs or doesn’t care enough.
Don’t disagree just sharing context and info.
Yeah, if anything “Falcon and the Winter Soldier” just cemented this movie as mediocre at best. Every other character in that show was more interesting than Flacon. And obviously it’s not his fault, the writing just isn’t building falcon as the next Captain America.