Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

  • 69 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I’m happy to see new users joining Lemmy and every instance out there big and small.

    One thing everyone should consider and think of is … funding and supporting the Fediverse.

    Every new user should consider and think about supporting the fediverse through a donation as they use this new community in order for it to remain free to use, open and freely available for everyone. We all like to believe that these things can be just free to use without any of us having to pay for any of it. We also like to think that people just magically and without reward or compensation just work in the background for free to keep all this software, hardware, equipment and organization running.

    We don’t have have to spend a fortune to keep funding these projects, but we should contribute something to it even if it is a small amount. If thousands of users spend a dollar, then it would add up to thousands of dollars to keep this whole system well funded. I know I’ve chatted with a few of the instance owners and have read what developers have written in the past … many of them have well paying jobs and have commercial work themselves that they do and they enjoy doing the work on Lemmy as either a hobby or passion project. However, I also know that as the popularity of these platforms grow, expenses add up to more hardware requirements, new hardware requirements, software management, security management and even having people monitoring everything online around the clock. Eventually, no matter how you cut it, work, time, effort, equipment all ends up costing money to someone at some point. And those costs only increase as popularity grows.

    Donating a little bit and funding even just a little from everyone should be a new norm we should all accept. Otherwise, any new social media we create, no matter how open source we want it to be will slowly just be affected by corporate rot and get taken over again by those who would like to make the most money from it.

    Donating to (run by the non-profit Fedecan)

    Donating to the Lemmy Software developers

    Donating to The Fediverse Foundation

    But also … Donate to the instance you are on and support the people who maintain your instance.

  • I talked to a guy that worked in one of the deepest underground mines in Kirkland Lake, Ontario. He said one of his bosses, a highly educated libertarian nut job was a flat earther and would debate his workers on a regular basis about it. I told him they should ask for more danger pay because at one point they might drill through the flat earth plain and fall into space … or land on a turtle.

  • They should have been outed and named years ago but the next best time to do it is now.

    Many of these people might be elderly now and many have probably also died. But the fact that their names would be released would show that many of them ended up working for universities, governments, corporations and businesses that went on to influence our politics and our democratic systems. Naming them all would show how pervasive their influence would have had on our country. Naming them would also ostracize anyone that would have been associated to any of them. Imagine the impact it would have on politics, businesses or individuals if we knew who they associated with or praised or held in high esteem. Hiding their names just masks the allegiances that supporters of far right ideologies have who are currently amongst us now. Those old fascist views are abhorrent and we should do our very best to expose those people who supported those ideologies and the people they influenced and the people that support them today.

  • former r/onguardforthee fan here … I’ve been on now for over a year … happy to see others are hopping on board and jumping off the burning train wreck

    ADDITION TO MY ORIGINAL … one thing we current users of Lemmy should point out to any new users that are joining Lemmy either here at or any other fediverse instance is to REMIND EVERYONE TO DONATE TO AND SUPPORT THE INSTANCE THEY ARE ON. It’s great that all this stuff is free for us to use but there are people here who work to develop, maintain and upgrade the source software and there are groups of people who maintain and manage the instances that we all use. We can’t expect all these people to work for free. Many of them may not mind working for free and they might even enjoy it but there will come times when they either can’t do it any more or they just run out of money, resources and time and energy to manage things as they grow more and more popular. No one complains when things are working but everyone will scream and shout as soon as their instance fails for one reason or another. Everyone or as many people as possible should find a bit of money to support their instance or the developers. Even if everyone gave a dollar, that would add up to thousands. If we keep these instances and the people that work and maintain all this well funded then we can all be safe and secure from any corporate rot that might creep into our communities.

  • I have several gay friends … some of who grew up in the 60s and 70s. I find it so strange to talk to some of them and ask them what it was like to be gay in the 60s knowing that it was illegal in Canada! We like to think that this history is some ancient record that no longer matters … the people that lived this reality are still alive today and can tell you about it.

    And we can’t forget it because knowing and understanding it means that we won’t revert back to this insanity.

    BTW … almost forgot … that is a great image and yes I do fee like crying … beautiful

  • This was about 20 years ago and we drove off the main highway to try to find the smallest road stop we could find. Driving in Germany is a nightmare by the way … but the people were fantastic. This was just before the period of easy to use GPS, we had to keep stopping to ask for directions. People were always generous, especially when we told them we were Canadian. They gave us detailed directions, suggestions and even led us to friends restaurants and bed and breakfasts where we could stay. At one point, one guy showed us directions on a massive national highway map book. When he was done giving us directions, he said keep the book and that we needed it more than him.

    I don’t know if the young man had the job of pumping gas at the time … I remember we talked to him about lots of things, including how to operate the pump, how to pay and what it all cost. We so confused with everything that he ended up pumping the gas for us. We felt like children that didn’t know how to find the toilet.

    I’ve travelled lots over the years and in many places in the world, we always saw the ugly German international traveller - the loud, ignorant idiot that gives everyone a hard time. We were afraid of driving in Germany because of this but the opposite was complete true. Average German people were some of the most generous, kind and helpful people we ever met. Danke!

  • IninewCrow@lemmy.cato2meirl4meirl@lemmy.world2meirl4meirl
    1 day ago

    I’m Canadian and the weirdest encounter of English speaking accents I ever heard was in the south of Germany. We were in a rental car and just exploring the country and getting hopelessly lost. We were in the south near Nuremberg and we stopped at a gas station. A young man came up to us to operate the pump. He spoke German at first but then realized we were English speaking so he changed languages.

    It was the weirdest form of English accent … it was English with a strong German accent mixed with a heavy southern American country twang. He even asked “How y’all doin?” in that weird accent of his.

    We asked him about the accent and he said he had learned his English from an American military base nearby that had a lot of people from the American south, especially Texas.

  • Are you kidding … who the hell believes anything this idiot says any more. If any one does, then you are just as dumb or dumber than this orange cheeseball.

    He is the master of deception, lies and misdirection … he’ll say one thing, everyone panics and runs around scared or angry and while they panic, he goes behind everyone to pull off some cheesy lame ass scam that would have been easy to stop otherwise but he gets away with it because everyone is preoccupied.

    The stocks will jump up and down at his every whim and because he is the one directing the show, he’ll profit by betting on when the fall occurs and when the rise returns. He’ll skim off everyone’s wealth over and over again until we’re all bled dry.