Edward Abbey knew what he was about.
Edward Abbey knew what he was about.
Any note taking app that doesn’t have a desktop version is a non-starter for me.
Lots do. But do you know anyone that turns JS off anymore? Platforms don’t care if they miss the odd user for this - because almost no one will be missed.
Uh huh.
Going by the number of down votes, @Shadow@lemmy.ca can start a wind farm powered by the whooshes happening here.
Breaking news: shitty people did shitty things.
100% me too. I’m lucky enough to live in an NDP vs Green riding so I’ve never had to vote for a status quo bullshit party, but that election promise reneg went straight into the Big Book of Grudges.
Hey Elon, go fuck yourself.
How fun! Albertans are well known for responding rationally to being told how they should change their behaviour when faced with a large-scale crisis.
That’s what the public plan says. Now we need to find the secret plan that they’re actually going to do instead.
This is really old news at this point - this was like 9 months ago. Why bring it back up?
RIP Kabosu. 😭 It’s wonderful to think about the sheer amount of ridiculousness you are responsible for.
Tim Hortons is shit. I’m convinced that the people who still go there have simply never actually had good coffee or doughnuts and have no basis of comparison.
Even then you’d think all the shitty company practices and inedible sandwiches would encourage them to try somewhere else.
By the beard, this is some next-level shit. Imagine listening to his jibber-jabber about Grays and thinking “that sounds like a good idea”?
This new “ruling CEO” class is bloody dangerous.
I don’t understand why the NDP continue to be so popular in BC. They are liars, and are continually working against the public interest for things like forestry and climate change (LNG anyone?). Is it just because there are no other options?
I am concerned to think of all the terrible and just plain wrong information you have been given.
This mayor sounds like a grade A dingus.
I recently discovered Obsidian - I use sync.com (free) and save my obsidian vault on my shared sync drive. Works like a charm, I can have it open on multiple devices.
Better late than never. But I’m pretty tired of all these people posting about how they’re leaving X now.
Thanks for supporting him and all the lies and insane demagogy up until the election. If you didn’t have an account on Truth Social, why did you still have one on X after he revealed himself so long ago?