I agree he’s horrible and should go, but sorry… a petition will do nothing.
Trump has been trash since the 1980s. He was a garbage president in 2016. If you “fell for it” in 2020 and/or 2024, you’re dumber than dirt.
I like that… Make the best of the nicer days and push there rather than trying to hit some other quota, riding when it’s unpleasant, and getting de-motivated.
Lately it’s been cold + actively snowing, so it just hasn’t been appealing to go out and ride. Like another commenter mentioned there’s also the factor of it getting dark early. So, it’s really just been a lack of motivation on my part recently.
I’ve been trying out different layering to try to get temps in the sweet not too hot/not too cold spot. Still got more work to do, but am getting there. One thing I found has helped was to throw a handlebar bag on in colder temps - makes it easier to stash something if I get warmer than expected or have some additional if it’s colder… beats having a backpack that gets my back sweaty.
Getting dark early is what kind of kills it for me too. By the time I’m getting off work the light is fading fast and the temperature is dropping with it.
Dealing with mechanical issues always sucks, but that’s another thing I’ve had in the back of my mind - it would be tough to deal with that kind of stuff with chilly or gloved fingers.
I went out this afternoon and it was about 34°F but the wind was chilly and pretty strong at times. I went my normal route where the paved path was plowed and clear, to a dirt road that had packed snow, and finally had to turn around where the trail had over 12 inches of snow.
I just took it slower than usual.
It wasn’t too bad with some layering, but my hands and feet got cold (should have just bulked up what I was wearing).
I think I’ll probably look to get a used trainer for when I just can’t be bothered to bundle up and get out. Sounds kind of boring, but at least fulfills the exercise factor. Then, make the most of any fair weather days and try to enjoy the sights and sounds of the outdoors.
Thanks for the replies everyone
The Past Is Still Alive by Hurray for the Riff Raff.
Easily one of my most played of 2024. Shame I missed them when they came through my city. Loved the songwriting, the music and the singing. The whole album was strong and the vibe resonated with me.
Automobilista 2 - Caterham racing around Oulton Park as the clock hit midnight.
Earlier in the evening I played the latest Mario Party and some Jackbox games with the fam.