Let’s go one step further and make them a gig worker so CVS doesn’t have to pay them for downtime and instead we get to tip
Let’s go one step further and make them a gig worker so CVS doesn’t have to pay them for downtime and instead we get to tip
Sometimes for work trips I’ll user uber in a vanadium web browser. I think they also have a number you can call to order one. Primarily for old people but works well in this case.
Using uber is its own question but you got to find the most private set up that works for you. Anything is better than nothing.
Assuming the company running the service and doing the verification is acting in good faith (big leap here, I get it) couldn’t you verify an identity, store a piece of static information about that person (DL, SSN even tho that sucks) in a hash so that no one else could use that identity to create an account and then issue an account ID with no link to identity marker?
This would allow you to verify users, prevent people from using an ID that was already used, prevent you from being able to link an account to an identity, and prevent you from being able to easily return a list of everyone identified on the service. Best you could do is respond to an individual query on whether that person has verified with your service.
I think it could work technically, but I agree that in practice the US would use its power to make you conduct surveillance without alerting customers, or maybe enact some KYC type requirements for internet usage. This would likely be a first or skipped step on the way to that.
Wtf kind of article is this. This is sponsored content for Apple Vacations. Their name is mentioned four times in the article and they paid for this survey to show that Americans need more vacation
Damn yea I recently got hit in my ten year old jeep cherokee and the estimator was shocked it had a metal rear plate since they’ve been plastic for so long
The stuff in the video makes sense, but what I can never understand is how we choose reference. Like if the space ship is the reference, wouldn’t everything else be moving at the speed of light and therefore slow down instead? Is it safe to assume some universal fixed point that’s everything else is moving around?
I’ve been trying to get my gf to give it up all year but she wont give up watching the bachelor live.
FYI you can split it with other households in your local TV area (with the 4k unlimited stream add on) so after the price rise each house I’m with will be paying $31/month.
Holy shit I know this is a pic but I swear I saw it move
GLP-1s work by making unhealthy food feel more sickening, causing people to eat and drink less
This pic is awesome.
Visited my friend this year who lived in Utrecht and he said this library is his favorite place to go to the bathroom for free
Just curious, do we get these breakdowns from exit polling or some other source?
Sad deer noises
Same. I found I was missing out on local events so I made an old.reddit rss feed of my local subreddits and check them every couple days
This is about Apple helping build tools for policing. Not about giving over its customers data to police.
We got some good reds and greens tonight in Wisconsin!
Nah that’s what they’re saying. That people used to say that and they were proved wrong.
I know I’m probably doing it wrong but this is how I feel whenever I write unit tests
That’s interesting. Do you know which states haven’t yet joined/would be the most likely to flip to get to the total?
Yea you’re right. I just thought it was funny that a majority of Americans disprove of something that prevents a majority of Americans from being able to choose something
It’s a productivity technique where you set a timer for some amount of time and work until that timer ends, then you take a break and repeat