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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • That’s not accurate. The article is about Australia. Netflix Australia had a net loss of 200K subscribers specifically due to the anti-consumer moves they’ve made which affects a lot more than just sharing a password with a family member. That’s a 3% decline in a major country. Meanwhile, Netflix rivals had subscriptions increase overall and several saw huge surges. Netflix remains #1 by total subscribers in Australia, but that shouldn’t shock anyone given the inherit momentum they possess.

    The article was never about Netflix globally. It was always about Australia. Companies operate business units in regions, and each region must perform.

  • Binning households into income groups, we estimate the highest earning 30% of households are responsible for about 70% of income-based NE while the lowest earning 70% are responsible for only about 30% NE.

    Says it all, really. The wealthy disproportionately command an overwhelming amount of wealth generated, and also overwhelmingly are responsible for carbon emissions (70%, despite making up only 30% of the population). But let’s talk about skipping a meal and not using plastic straws, and how this is all an individual effort instead of a class struggle. /s

    Climate change is the newer equivalent of wealthy groups dumping toxic waste near poor neighborhoods. The wealthy will be able to safe guard against a lot of the damage to themselves (but not all; they are still doing the equivalent of sitting in a car and letting it run with the garage door closed). The working class? Not so much.

  • I agree that this is needlessly nuanced, but it is possible. If you have a Mac you can transfer files between Mac and an iPad wirelessly or with a cable. iPads can also connect to external storage devices or Windows PCs if they are sharing the files. But it isn’t like Android where you can basically just plug it into a Windows or Linux machine and have direct instant access to its entire directory.

  • I feel this as well. I’m in a mixed device household, and sharing images and videos between each other is a real pain. Nobody wants to mess around with going to an iCloud or Google Photos link and grabbing images or video. In the USA, few people want to use third party messaging apps. My family certainly doesn’t. My kid’s friends certainly don’t, and so everyone sticks to iMessage.

    Because iMessage really is the best in this region given what is actually used by non-outliers. I use both Android and iOS, Windows and Mac. There’s no comparison. iMessage has more features than Google’s solution. Google’s “RCS” is better than SMS/MMS but isn’t equivalent to iMessage. And cross-device support for it is a joke. Samsung has their own little bridge if you buy entirely into their ecosystem–apps included (sorry, Google Messenger). But there isn’t the same identical experience that happens like with Apple: iMessage on iPhone is the same as on iPad is the same as on Mac. No web QR codes to scan, no weird per-device limitations, it really just works. Handoff works like magic. I know, cliche, but Google doesn’t have anything that competes with the feature set. iMessage is so much more than group chats and text messages and pictures like Android users tend to characterize.

    Google has no room to call out Apple for its b.s. with iMessage, either; Google has its own proprietary messaging apps. They’ve tried several times to replicate iMessage and lock people in. Their latest is RCS, which is really a misnomer because Google took the actual RCS standard and made it proprietary. That’s why there aren’t third party apps outside of a tiny number of outliers with special business arrangements with Google (such as Samsung). That’s why Google’s entire campaign to “shame” Apple (really, remind iPhone users of the pain of interacting with Android users) doesn’t go anywhere. Google is just as proprietary as iMessage. Google requires all traffic route through Google’s proprietary Jibe middleware and cloud infrastructure.

    At this point I doubt Google would actually share their proprietary RCS with Apple given that they don’t share it with anyone else except Samsung, and only then because Samsung was moving to fork Android (or abandon it entirely) after Google got into the hardware business. We know Google has a private API for their RCS implementation and that they actively choose not to share it, because they’ve accidentally leaked it before and XDA devs picked up on it. There are a million SMS/MMS apps available, not so much for “RCS.”

  • glockenspiel@lemmy.worldtoAndroid@lemmy.worldWhat happened to Boost for Lemmy?
    11 months ago

    People deserve to be paid for their labor. This is Lemmy; that’s the default position given our history. There are plenty of free as in beer and speech apps out there if someone doesn’t or can’t pay the price. But software development is hard work, especially if it isn’t a hobby. And a lot of Lemmy apps are hobbyists. That’s the communtiy phase we are in right now. And we are a smaller community, which means fewer paying customers, which means a higher overall cost. LJ can’t throw out an app for $5 and expect a hundred thousand to convert into paying customers off the backs of over a million downloads.

    I’ll never understand this criticism of Sync. I hate subscriptions as much as most people, but with software it sort of makes sense because the work never ends. It isn’t like buying a bookcase or any other static item. And Sync, in this case, isn’t like what companies such as LG are doing where they are intoducing forced subscriptions into static firmware to extract maximum wealth from customers.

  • Microsoft has been slowly building toward requiring these subscriptions for enterprise for some time now. That is where Windows365 is ultimately going at an enterprise level, management just doesn’t realize it yet or are aware of how powerless they are to stop it.

    Because Microsoft should’ve been broken up in the 90s. They definitely need to be broken up now. Same with a number of companies really, but Microsoft has a unique position to really hold enterprise and government by the balls.

  • Great breakdown! Given that this is Lemmy and we trend toward more tech focused, people might gel better with Apple and Microsoft. If anyone is confused about what you wrote but the my understand big tech tax evasion, it is basically the same set of steps.

    Big tech just doesn’t pay residuals.

    Apple is well known for their Irish tax haven holding all of their IP and other rights so Apple can lease it back from themselves and account for pure profit as expenses. That’s also how Amazon pays little to no taxes. Or sometimes these company’s pay negative tax rates meaning they get government welfare to buy billionaires fudge rounds presumably, in conservative populist parlance.

    Also to add on to my earlier comment, after some research it appears that the standard union contract prior to the strike has always been based on gross revenue instead of net. So it is consistent with why the WGA put this out.

  • Revenue is used because this industry is notorious for “Hollywood accounting” to avoid having any actual profits to avoid residuals based on net.

    Some of the biggesr blockbusters of all time are, thanks to Hollywood accounting, net losers. Forrest Gump is a classic example: it made almost a billion dollars in revenue vs a $55 million budget. But thanks to tax evasion techniques the movie is actually a huge financial loser on paper, losing more than $65 million if you look at net.

    You can’t trust non-workers, who exist entirely off the wealth they can cheat out of workers, to be honest.

    So that is why gross revenue is used in Hollywood.

    Edit: to add on to that Gump example, the author was supposed to be paid based on net. He got totally fucked which is why no sequel was made. His IP created a billion+ dollars out of thin air, but blood sucking capitalist parasites leech it all away with tax evasion.

  • I agree that most people don’t need SUVs. And even more don’t need a truck. But few others are forced to drive as much nor as far as Americans on a daily basis, so we don’t give a shit if people in other countries with robust public transport sometimes have to drive places in their (comparatively) small countries with their families.

    TIL that a dubious 15% is also === 95%.

    Edit: that is to say, this isn’t as simple as “LOL Americans fat, Americans dumb.” The same old Euro arguments don’t work on this one. Civil planning is completely fucked here. It isn’t just bad, it is actively hostile to non-drivers.

    And SUVs in particular can get these massive tax advantages that cars don’t get. Same with some models of truck. Plus, marketing is highly effective and nearly totally unregulated like so much else over here.

    You have morons giving themselves brain damage for the right to own gas stoves, and we have similar morons suffocating themselves and everyone else by insisting they need huge vehicles. And the government actively encourages it.

  • The US should really just directly employ regional workers to handle these projects. Corruption and nepotism are rampant in public construction projects, and the profit motive requires an inefficient use of tax dollars since we must pay a completely useless margin just so somebody can become richer for doing zero work.

    We also need to stop expanding highways since additional lanes have been proven to not help congestion, and actually worsens it because it encourages more driving.

  • It isn’t even that. America, Germany, and the UK are all very similar. And those numbers are only becoming more similar over time.

    Europeans need to remember that American states are often larger than European countries.

    And that generations of neglect or intentional sabotage has rendered public transport completely useless outside of outlier scenarios.

    People want to handwave it away, but there are legitimate safety concerns with driving smaller vehicles in the US. Not only are they less comfortable (in a country where you have to drive everywhere, for long periods of time, even for incidental items). They will get destroyed by our obnoxiously huge SUVs and trucks. Happens all the time.

    Same thing needs to be remembered when people who don’t live here insist everyone should just be biking everywhere. I agree in spirit, but the reality is that biking in the US is a gamble every time someone does it. And you can’t convince a populace to do it when a normal American is 10+ miles away from a grocery store, and when most of our states experience both extreme heat and extreme cold.

    The problem is truly systemic. We have a majority of civil planning intentionally implementing hostile engineering to incentivize vehicles.

  • Those companies aren’t supplying telecom kit.

    I don’t know what you mean by R&D “taxes.” Do you mean profits that go into R&D? Tax breaks which Microsoft and others exploit to the maximum under the guise of “R&D” to lower their burden to negotiable (for them) amounts?

    Regardless, there’s a huge difference between a bad company like Microsoft and one like Huawei. China is absolutely notorious for modern day industrial espionage. Anyone who denies it has to be delusional. And they lose their shit when their own tactics, like forced technology transfers and requirements to partner with domestic firms, are applied to them in equal measure.

    Let’s look at Huawei for example. They straight up plagiarized a huge amount of code from Cisco. This includes esoteric bugs and their error messages. This isn’t a Oracle vs Google “same name of API” thing.

    Europe should really subsidize their own tech sector so they don’t have to rely on China or the US for vital infrastructure.

  • They are definitely turning on Jesus and have been for quite some time now. There is an interesting statement from the former head of SBC wherein he states churchgoers are finding Jesus’ supposed teachings as being too woke and part of a liberal agenda. Can’t make this up. It was only a matter of time.

    But Jesus also didn’t like mixing. That is why he instructed the apostles and other adherents to never teach gentiles and Samaritans. That was retconned years later by the church because they said people had visions of a resurrected jesus commanding them to mix with gentiles. But for a while there it was very much a racial/ethno in-group only. That is why Jesus supposedly stated he taught in parables; so gentiles wouldnt understand what he was talking about and find salvation. That is what Matthew 13:11-17 is about.

    People need to stop characterizing Jesus as some socialists woke advocate like I see in this thread. His character wasn’t. He didn’t preach universal love and compassion, and he taught contradictory messages about pacifism probably because dozens of people created this character over centuries.

    I honestly think people want to think the religion can’t be that bad and that the adherents are just awful.