Since this season seems fairly light and pretty heavily weighted towards the weekends, I’ve decided to supplement with other shows from my backlog to watch in between:
- Sasaki & Miyano - This is based on one of my favorite manga of all time, but I skipped the anime when it came out because I was so disappointed by the BL budget and sort of weird pacing. But going back in knowing its flaws, I’m able to enjoy seeing my boys fall in love all over again. It’s not the perfect adaptation I would have dreamed of, but it’s still that same story I love so much.
- Revenger (not to be confused with Tokyo Revengers) - I was pretty busy during the season this came out and ended up not being able to continue basically any of the shows I’d wanted to, but this was one I was pretty excited for. It’s about feudal Japanese catholic assassins who only take on clients who are looking for revenge, and all of the characters have silly anime weapons that they use in pretty brutal ways, like the kid who uses a kite where the string is covered in bits of broken glass. I think so far it’s balancing well its edgy tone and its goofy elements, where it’s fun and not meant to be taken too seriously. I’ve seen a lot of bad reviews, though, so maybe it is supposed to be taken seriously and I’m the only one laughing at seeing a man pray to the virgin Mary for the souls of the people who he just killed with a sheet of gold leaf.
I really like the character arc they’re setting up for Kazuhiho where Marie’s excitement about Japan is helping him engage with real life more and eventually have more hobbies than just sleeping.
Also, as someone who lives on a fault line, the two reactions to the earthquake seemed pretty true to life, lol. Marie’s reaction was a bit over the top, but visitors definitely get pretty freaked out when we get an earthquake that makes locals go “oh, huh”.