Imagine being her uncle…
Imagine being her uncle…
Welp here’s hoping he loses the domain next.
Ngl, plastic straws are dumb af. Big oil will get their plastic made with or without straws.
McDonald’s went from paper cups and plastic straws to plastic cups and paper straws. A net loss for the environment.
Plastic straws are unequivocally better.
Obligatory fuck trump.
Chant it with me now.
Dude when middle school students think you’re uncool, you really have no future.
This sounds like I am kidding but I am not.
If you’re SO uncool that fucking MIDDLE SCHOOL KIDS are paying negative attention to someone over the age of 30, that person sucks.
I reported yeezy.com for being in violation of GoDaddy’s Terms Of Use.
Doubt it was me that caused any of this, but we can all do our part 😊
Baby, I was born this way.
United health CEO:
"Alright, the way I see it, we could pay ourselves less absurdly…
…haha okay just kidding.
Our options are to either kill less people and make less money…
… Haha okay, so that leaves us with “Spend millions on frivolous lawsuits in an attempt to strongarm public dissent.”
[Shareholders cheer]
“Strongarm the public it is!! Who needs the profits when we can use them on power”
Because… Pro life?
I’m so sorry, greenlanders.
Y’all just minding your business and our fucking derranged president is just fucking up everyone’s day.
Can we all just start chanting “Eggs” whenever he tries to talk from now on? I’d like that.
If you ignore the equator, and you just look at the northern hemisphere from the top down…
Russia + USA + Canada + Greenland is like, fucking game over.
I strongly believe all this Greenland shit and now Canada shit is just Trump, Putins puppet, trying to bring back the USSR better than ever.
It benefits wealthy oligarchs.
Someone get me a blue shell. angry_luigi.jpg
I just decided I’ll never buy a jeep.
These kinds of decisions are unilateral. You don’t go in this direction without that being the overarching goal.
Zero tolerance for this shit. Put ads in something I own, and I’ll sell it, trash it, never buy it again.
This should be a death rattle for any brand to even consider.
Fuck Jeep.
Imagine being the richest person in history and going full Nazi instead of doing literally anything else with your billions.
If you ever needed proof that wealth and ease of life doesn’t equate to happiness or satisfaction with yourself…
No, it is not ‘the same difference.’ Elon Musk is not an elected official, nor does he hold any official government position. Any authority he exercises is purely private, derived from his ownership and influence, not from a public mandate. Consequently, unlike elected officials or their appointees, he is not shielded by legal or institutional protections that apply to public officeholders. He’s only shielded by the current administration, and not shielded in any legal capacity. When that ends, he will have more lawsuits than his half a trillion can handle.
We’re talking about a candidacy, not policy.