• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • It IS fucked up. It’s also true.

    Palestinian refugees have been involved in political violence or rebellion many places, and that’s why you don’t see them opening their doors anymore. Here’s a couple:


    • In 1970, during a period known as Black September, King Hussein of Jordan moved to suppress the autonomy of Palestinian organizations, particularly the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), in an effort to restore his monarchy’s rule over the country. This led to armed conflict which lasted until July 1971, resulting in the expulsion of the PLO and thousands of Palestinian fighters to Lebanon. The violence during this period resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people, the vast majority of whom were Palestinians .


    • After being expelled from Jordan, the PLO resettled in Lebanon and began to extend de facto autonomous rule from there, staging raids into Israel. The presence and activities of the PLO were major factors for the sectarian destabilization of Lebanon, contributing to the eruption of the Lebanese Civil War in 1975. This continued with various conflicts and Israeli interventions in Lebanon until the PLO agreed to withdraw in 1982 following an Israeli invasion .

  • The silver lining here is that because the Republican supreme Court so vastly overplayed their hand here, they might inadvertantly have saved the nation from a fascist takeover.

    Hear me out:

    Joe Biden was previously doomed to be a 1-term president. The last election was an anti-Trump referendum, and it was a squeaker! Very little abundant base was actually excited be voting for Biden.

    Heading into the next election we were ALWAYS going to have a mediocre Biden presidency, where none of our major crisis was solved, because Biden never aimed that high to begin with. It was never going to be enough to excite the base on the left.

    And worse, with Republicans controlling the House, the second half of Biden’s term was doomed to be a do-little presidency. Going into the election we were going to be asked to vote for a man who hadn’t done much for the last two years, and who never even talked a good game about the radical change we need (universal healthcare, universal basic income, removing ALL student debt, etc).

    Trump being back in the ballot helps a bit, but I’m not sure people are still feeling the immediacy and the urgency to keep him out of the oval office as they did at the end of this last term.

    It was going to be another squeaker, and my money was on the Republicans because of their ability to ratfuck the vote with gerrymandering and voter suppression.

    But NOW we have the supreme Court lighting a fire under the left. They struck down roe, and they struck down student loan forgiveness.

    That may be enough to put us over the edge.