I’m going to have to try the alcohol. I’ve also done a spray bottle with biodegradable soap water, which i always have on hand for aphids. I seem to have mostly reduced my slug problem. My main problem now is squirrels.
Also, the hydroponics and organic no-till is a fun combo. I used to do aquaponics a bit, and I’d like to get back to it. Now I tend to be more permacultury, though I think people in that field tend to embrace more pseudoscience than I’d like. I’d like to find a way to combine the science and productivity of aquaponics with the stability of soil based growing. Basically, I want a pond, lol.
Yeah, I’ve been completely ignoring typical timetables. Things like lettuce are hard now because it goes from frost to too hot quickly. I grow heartier greens like kale year round, and I’ve had tomatoes producing fruit into November.
Cold frames have been helpful, as have larger pots for seedlings so I can take them inside for any cold nights while buying a few extra weeks of growth before needing to plant them.