I see ! Thank you for that :)
I see ! Thank you for that :)
I understand what you mean, really. I just think the methods of circulating that info can sometimes seem or feel ecclesiastic.
In my opinion, context and rhetoric matter. That’s why I joked a little. But I don’t mean no harm, truly. And I appreciate what you do.
Original commenter: jokes in class solidarity
Response: « I appreciate the attempt, but what you said was wrong on sooooo many levels, in this essay, I will… »
Moi, après m’être fait downvoté:
What I see every waking day?
Musk, Trump said Truth is truthn’t.
Like, you get a golden crown in exchange for the extra wealth, like, congratulations like, good job, like, amazing.
Now go retire on an island of something.
If it walks like a republican…
Sucks cause as a canadian I don’t want to boycott you. I just don’t want to give to the overlords that menace the integrity of my nation. I wish I could just do the latter.
I didn’t think about it this way !
Quand on y pense, on est tellement proche de vivre dans une utopie. On produit pour nourrir 3 fois la population humaine. Quel gâchis.
Je savais pas que c’était une telle initiative! Inspirant :)
You can say what you want about Trudeau’s reign, but his last months have been spotless.
Libs should switch leaders again just for the laughs.