This is the aftermath of when Ross, the largest friend, ate all the other friends.
Everyone check at midnight tonight your favorite govt website and note if it’s not up. Documentation of law-breaking is one of the few things we can do.
Trade California for Greenland Trump. Do it. It’s such a huge deal and you love deals!
Honestly hard to imagine them being any dumber
Don’t even have to type or even talk, just install a neurolink and interface with the LLM directly via your thoughts
Unfortunately proton is no longer a company I trust either. It’s getting harder and harder to find a safe haven…
Mazda is supposedly one of the last major automakers that has mostly physical controls in their cars. Definitely at the top of my list for any future car purchases.
This video is prophetic and I highly encourage everyone to watch it. It sounds like a conspiracy theory except we see virtually all of it happening in front of our own eyes right now.
I’ll pay Denmark to buy us…
I’m choosing to eat the onion on purpose
Do you guys have random charges from the Adidas store in Moscow too?
Give it a blowjob, everyone knows that
Odds of severe punishment? Slim None.
Sadly a lot of the Meshtastic folks are libertarian HAM enthusiasts that lean heavily right wing. I’ve seen MAGA messages on our southern CA mesh quite frequently. Don’t really trust the people on there.
Data’s prolly into that shit
16TB is within the capacity of individuals. Given I don’t trust even Harvard to be safe with the impending onslaught, anyone with the means of downloading a copy for themselves should do so.
Oh fuck off with your righteousness. Your calls do nothing and you know it. If the representatives don’t already know they should be fighting tooth and nail they’re a lost cause.
Seriously I would like to see ONE federal worker be brave and punch one of these pricks right in the god damned jaw. That person would immediately be a hero.
I disagree, I think it was more like nineteen ninety eight when the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table