(Assuming you are American) No my friend, YOU must stop him. If you do your duty, voting, and working as hard as possible during campaigns to get the reasonable choice elected, yoy are doing your duty. If all you do is bitch, this is what you get.
(Assuming you are American) No my friend, YOU must stop him. If you do your duty, voting, and working as hard as possible during campaigns to get the reasonable choice elected, yoy are doing your duty. If all you do is bitch, this is what you get.
I love photic sneezes (I just learned it had a name). They are like sun induced mini orgasms.
You may want to read up a bit, and stop using socialism as an umbrella term. Socialism as in European social democrats, traditional socialists, Communists? Any of the other variations? Because both Social Democrats and Communists use the Socialist term.
If the UK hadn’t done Brexshit, there probably could have been a way to add Canada to the EU as an associated member, like Norway, Switzerland, etc…
Catholics been doing if for a couple of millenia
German train delays ≠ European delays. Grmany’s puctuality rate is 70% while Spain, which you could stereotype as being “mediterraneanly” lax is over 91%.
Germany and UKs networks are a sad joke. Most of Europe has very good puncutality
Ages ago I used to use Webmin. I have no clue as how it stacks up to others nowadays.
You can specify the virtualization engine in VirtualBox, including KVM.
A couple of easy virtualization tools that allow you to create VMs in a few clicks are Gnome Boxes and QuickEmu, which leverages Qemu and KVM
Do domesticated hornets exist?
I wonder how many of mustler’s children are keeping mum to not lose out on their inheritance.
Phew! I read that as “you can be smart and a mormon”.
This idiot seems to be oblivious to the fact that there is no official language in the US, that several US states have Spanish as a defacto co-official language, that Spanish has been spoken in many parts of the US for longer than English, and that there are approx. 60.000.000 Spanish speakers in the US.
A problem here is that since he can’t be re-elected, he doesn’t have to care about popularity, except for his ego trips.
What a sad, cynical, point of view. There is nothing that prevents you from trying to achieve riches while having a loving family.
I’m slowly gathering info to upgrade to a new gen printer, as my tricked out Ender 5 plus is kind of feeling obsolete.
Qidi seems to be pretty plug and play, performant, bullshit-free. Also, the new stuff from Creality seems to target Bambu
Where I live, in Europe, essentially all buildings are brick and mortar, or some variation thereof. Furnishings will burn, but fire is unlikely to run amok.
Not normal, you are a weirdo.
I use W11 bloat edition, BTW
That was my gateway into automation, but it seems that they’ve essentially abandoned the range.
I think they may be British, and want those who wish to criticize to for a queue
Slow clap…