Sounds like a job for Ranked Choice Voting
Sounds like a job for Ranked Choice Voting
this is a really uplifting article im so impressed with the wins these folks got
ive been so down on academia for years like, reading David Schmidt’s Disciplined Minds put me in a space like, just very disappointed and hopeless with the intelligentsia married to/dependent on the military
we need revolution in these spaces too, so bad
way to go ucla
im sorry you’re going through this baby. i cut up my arm pretty bad too once when i was a little older than you for similar reasons :(
the biggest risk to your arm from cutting is nerve or connective tissue damage. do you have any numbness or tingling? do you have full range of motion in your fingers and wrist? can you stretch your fingers all the way out wide and then make a fist? i know testing all this hurts, but if you’re capable of doing all that and you’re not experiencing freaky nerve pain in your hand, you’re probably going to be ok long term.
keep the wound clean and dry the best you can. you can apply vitamin e or scar cream too it when it’s more healed to reduce scaring.
oh this one’s in my soul
yeah good call
Sarah McLachlan - Mirrorball
bi men are my cup of tea