Good reminder ⬆️ 😊
Good reminder ⬆️ 😊
Thank you. Your points are… well… on point :D Especially with “and the fact that there are as many opinions as there are users” maybe that’s why we have so many distros.
I hope there will be more devices with linux out of the box in the future, because that is probably the number 1 enabler. We see it with steam deck, although its kinda special case. But that is a Linux device that people buy, use and often times without prior linux experience.
ok, thank you :) And I know I could have found it myself, but sometimes internet just takes fun out of conversations 😀 (I mean internet search and stuff, because lol this is also internet :)
I think KDE is great if you want to customize everything. But truth to be told, I think no one knows until they try. I have always seen myself a KDE guy until I had to use it longterm and then tried GNOME and found it more to my taste. I assume that is why everyone is feeling so strong about their distros and DE’s, because if it really suits you, you gotta love it and you want others to find that too :)
I honestly don’t know.
Ok, but they were founded in Lithuania right? Its not really important all is Europe I just thought there is more to it than just EU liaison.
Haha this should be a t-shirt 😀 How many times I saw a discussions recommending distros to newbies so many people saying “just use [enter your favorit distro]” 😀
You are right about linux mint, but I want to just add that I have been adding distro with Gnome to former windows users and there were no issues with usability. And those were people that are not very technical. I think Gnome does a great job when it comes to ux. But nowadays Gnome, Cinnamon, KDE and even not yet released Cosmic are so amazing I can’t believe how lucky we linux users are to have so many good choices.
But it is there. Both Linux Mint and Pop OS are based on Ubuntu. And these three distributions seems to be the most recommended, that I have seen. My personal issue with ubuntu itself is that it is a little bit rough around the edges and then there is this whole snap thing. But I don’t want to go into that here. It was just a recommendation and yes ubuntu is fine :)
I would switch the “will always” into “might”. “Switching to Linux might come with a little bit of tinkering involved.” I have seen more and more cases when you put a linux on somebody’s laptop and they even hardly notice something is different.
Windows is not making money on sales only. They collect data and then they sell them to data brokers. Those brokers then sell the data to advertisement agencies to serve you adds. Even if you buy just one item based on those adds (which may be unconscious choice) you have already paid. Even if you buy nothing based on adds, microsoft already got the money.
I do recommend linux but be aware of letting people to push you into something you don’t want to do. Linux community can be very enthusiastic 😅. Top three to recommend are Linux Mint (most windows like design), Fedora (most stable) and Pop OS (best with nvidia gpu). Only one of these is favorite of mine but I will not tell you which, just search for them, look at screenshots and you will see what suits you.
I think the point is that not everybody’s life revolve around thinking about more private options (mine does lol, gotta push those limits) or cash in this case. It sure is better, but it also is less convenient and that is a fact. People do have hardships in their lives and its good to have something easy instead of adding more to your plate. For people like me its fun, but for most its a chore.
Revolut is Lithuanian I think.
I think they are also non-profit company
Last time I was checking them out (~year ago) it was basically impossible to use them with android phone. If I remember correctly there was one mobile app that was mostly out of date that worked for some models, but not easy. How is the support now, do you know?
its still fun thing to see :)
I am happy I joined (in past 14 days or so). So far I like it a lot. In the past I tried lemmy and was confused how it works. Somehow I thought when I post something on mastodon it can also be targeted to lemmy (posts or replies), but I think I largely misunderstood and that put me off for some time. But when I found out about this sublemmy I had to try again and this time with success!
Nothing (the smartphones) is Chinese actually
Hi, question: how many people here first checked credibility of the media involved? Don’t worry, they seem legit, I am really just wondering because I quite recently found out that not many people really checks the sources when news like this appear. Please vote: “I checked” = upvote, “I didn’t check” = downvote. Thank you.