If only the nation were awash with guns, to secure the union, or something.
If only the nation were awash with guns, to secure the union, or something.
James Doohan was missing the tip of one/some fingers on one hand, so he always stood off centre from camera so he could hide his hand behind his body.
Because all this is happening out in the open, there’s no secret conspiracy.
A conspiracy theorist thrives on being one of the few who know the actual truth.
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
how 99.9% of all public figures, “philosophers”, inventors, important rulers, generals, diplomats, and so on were all men?
Men got the credit for them, no matter who actually did the work.
It’s not convenient, it’s survivor bias.
The thing is, it’s almost certain that the orange idiot will do this again next month, next quarter, next year, ad infinitum. He’s also shown that it’s mostly bluster, Canada called his bluff and he blinked. So now it’s noise, risk, and unnecessary cost.
There’s also no confidence that this nonsense will stop in four years, no confidence that another Trump won’t be elected next time.
America’s burned the last shred of respect it had left, and it’s gone, for decades if not forever.
Every other country is going to do its best to divest itself of every dependency on the USA it can; find other buyers and find other sellers.
simply driven over
That’s called smuggling.
Supermarkets exploit that behaviour by displaying per-person limits on merchandise. E.g. “limit 5 per person”.
It works.
She’s “reading” the three blank pages at the back to makeup the signature.
Never again.
Its very possible to enrich corrupt elites without taking an axe to the US’s strategic position.
Yes. But not for a very stupid easily manipulated “businessman”.
“So our worldview is our maunga are ancestors, they’re not resources but they are living beings and so the notion of legal personhood fits well with our worldview.”
We generally don’t think of people as resources… Human resources… Shit.
Shame that he doesn’t have the capacity to decide when to shit his pants.
I’ve seriously considered burning a handful of books, once. Because they were just such awfully written garbage money grab sequels (by another author) to a series I really like.
Then realised that my objection to book burning in general was stronger than my petulant desire to remove my copies of these books from existence.
“So our worldview is our maunga are ancestors, they’re not resources but they are living beings and so the notion of legal personhood fits well with our worldview.”
Emphasis mine. I’ve not seen the nuance of maunga as tupuna explained so effectively before. Neat.
Does anyone know what effects legal personhood has?
The Lord’s work, right here.
But does the orange idiot know that?
“Plot”? Like some evil villains?
Meet Mushu! The whale that thinks she’s better than you!