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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I also like this! At first I was a bit bummed out on why I couldn’t doom scroll like on reddit.

    The fact that the ecosystem was fragmented in multiple little instances made me think that it’s possible I wouldn’t like it in the end.

    But I find myself gravitating more towards my local instances subs then all. (Even though with wafwaf the discoverability factor is severely increased.) The reason is I like the fact that it is a small community.

  • What’s happening is social media.

    You have a bigot, what do you do about it?

    Sure you can punch the bigot. Violence begets violence; might fix the problem or make it worse.

    So what do you? Confront them. Then if they don’t change their ways, you shun them. Generally people don’t like being excluded, so slowly but surely the bigots would reform and some would die alone with their hatred.

    Now? They have online platforms where they find each other through algorithms that encourages those behaviors because it makes them money.

    You want to reduce the hatred on society? Police properly the big social medias.

  • I understand the points and while I don’t like the rampant corporate greed, you wouldn’t have billion dollar movie projects (or series) if piracy was entirely legal and encouraged.

    I think it’s mostly that the current copyright laws and patents are unfair.

    Let’s take a big IP such as star wars, wouldn’t it be more logical if it were in the public domain? It’s almost de facto in the public domain. I can refer to it and almost anybody gets what I’m talking about. It’s already a staple of our hegemonic culture. Nobody should own it.

    But you know, to get those movies, I wouldn’t mind if there was let’s say a 1-2 year copyright on the movie. You don’t want to wait a year? Pay. Simple as that.

    Same for patents. Ad long as we are a capitalistic society, it’s desired that research makes profit, so put a patent for a few years and voila!

    In the end you are going to stimulate more research. First by sharing knowledge and second by encouraging new research which can be patented. No sitting on a patent for years doing nothing.

  • J’ignorais que le lobby des pétrolieres s’intéressaient a la presse? Les Desmarais doivent avoir pas mal de parts dans Shell & co.

    Sérieusement je suis un peu tanné d’entendre ces points qui viennent directement des thinktank du pétrole :

    Est ce que les VE polluent plus que les ICE? Non. Même si l’électricité vient du charbon ça polluent moins que les ICE sur sa durée de vie complète.

    Est ce qu’on a assez de minéraux rares pour que tous le monde aient un VE? Non. On va ptetre trouvé des solutions de rechange pour les batteries par contre. Le problème est l’idée même de l’auto. A-t-on assez de ressources pour que tous le monde aient une auto? Non. Pourtant, étrange, on ne mentionne pas ce point… juste les VE le prob.

    Est-ce que les VE sont trop lourdes? Oui. Mais moins qu’un foutu pickup. Faisons des ptites autos.

    Que va t on faire des batteries quand ces autos ne seront plus bonnes? Ça se recycle (voir le point plus haut: c’est ded métaux rares) ta vieille batterie vaut chet.

    Si jamais on stoppe d’encourager la VE, yarrive quoi? On mine pareil les fonds marins, on va construire des batteries pour autre chose. (Mais les pétrolieres vont vendre plus d’essence)

    Comme un autre commentaire plus bas, ya personne de sensé qui pensent que c’est une solution magique. Mais c’est un pas dans la bonne direction. Même si on arrive a décroître, faire du transport en commun, on va avoir besoin d’énergie, d’un réseau électrique flexible avec des batteries.

    Faque lâchez moi avec les VE!