The bankruptcy courts are clearly the best administrative body to administer our system of socialized medicine because they make participants suffer the most.
The bankruptcy courts are clearly the best administrative body to administer our system of socialized medicine because they make participants suffer the most.
Too qualified.
I can hear the music just by seeing the picture.
Pretty sure we’re into the Overton Train Wreck at this point. We have destroyed normalcy so greatly that no headline is implausible and the fear of possible prosecution for any dissent is not unreasonable.
If I saw the headline, "Trump announces that the only meat that will be served in federal prisons is the flesh of his political enemies. " My reaction would be some sort of numb, “ah cannibalism, already?”
The expectation that you will be using your firearm. Better be prepared to slaughter suspected illegals.
My Audi E-tron has a full size spare.
I am in the shoot them camp and got permabanned from reddit because I am vocal about it.
I kind of expected this for Ubuntu.
I use Ubuntu, Red Hat/CentOS, and Windows.
If I had more free time I would try some more.
In reality, I feel like hide-the-pain Harold.
Nico magic: taking Mavs fans and making them either ditch the NBA entirely or become Lakers fans.
504 gives dyslexics accommodations in schools among its many functions. These bastards suck.
He should ask himself if he personally would find the child shield to be a deterrent. I don’t think he would. Why would he expect the people he is worried about to find the child to be a deterrent? Does he think CEO shooters have more empathy than he does? Perhaps it is just about the optics of the event if something happens?
Is the die fair? I once saw a large run of 3s on a d6 and eventually rolled it a thousand times keeping a histogram of the results. Even 100 rolls in, it was obvious that the die in question wasn’t fair (46 3s in 100 rolls, 7 4s). We swapped it out.
I see Gaines County mentioned a bunch and that they are setting up a vaccination clinic in Seminole, but the article doesn’t name the town? Or did I somehow miss it?
It’s Baxter!
Don’t answer the phone!
Much, much saltier than concrete.
Judges can and will send marshals to enforce court orders. If you or I are held in contempt and ignore a court order, we can absolutely expect a marshal to knock on our door and arrest us. I’m a lawyer admitted to four different Federal Courts.
What happens when the judge sends a marshal? Popcorn eating begins…
I wonder which foreign national promised Donald a kick back after they receive a bribe from a U.S. company.
Why does it get more embarrassing to be an American every year?
(Hypernormalization and resistance is futile)
Each state has a deceptive trade practices act that regulates debt collection practice. The neat thing about them is that each violation carries a substantial fine payable to the victim. Texas is $11k per violation (or at least that was the amount when I last looked into it). Usually you can get an attorney to take these cases if there are decent records. Again, you are right that the most vulnerable will suffer the most.