I want someone to recreate the intro to Lord of War, but instead of tracking the manufacturing/transport/use of of a bullet, follow a plastic stir straw.
I mean you’ve got surveying, drilling, pumping, transporting, refining, transporting again, processing into plastic, transporting again, injection molding, packaging, transporting again, unpacking/stocking, and then some asshole uses it for three seconds and throws it away.
My point is what’s the point of downloading kindle ebooks if they can only be read after connecting to the cloud or whatever anyway?
Read the second part of your comment lol.
What other software?
If you download your books, how do you read them in other hardware? Aren’t they all drm locked?
We like to say that our girl is checking her pee-mail.
they began to search “impossible seeds” - “which could only be created by using save modification tools to force a creation date after the year 2038”. They eventually found dungeons with the drop in the right place, using seeds for the years 2056 and 2074.
For more:
I assume the game didn’t allow for save files to have negative epoch time.
Why go to all this trouble for a 27 year old speedrun?
Uh, is 2009 that long ago?
There was a guard. It was only $500. People were invited to kick it, but it was monitored.
Nintendo starting at 64 (because divorce dad was cool dad). Picked up an Analogue pocket and am currently working my way through the GB/GBC/GBA catalog. Also got Ecco for Genesis working. It really feels less like playing a game, and more like experiencing a culture.
It reminds me how important all these emulator projects are at keeping games alive.
I mean, there’s precedent
That’s so great. You should be proud.
Hell yeah brother.
I legit contracted with an OEM over Alibaba to make a custom piece of glass to adhere to the new LCD screen to replace the broken screen in my wife’s Playdate.
Though in that case it was like $150 total.
I met my wife at 28 and it took us 7 years to get married. You have sooo much time.
Not in God per se, but this puzzle came up at the Radio Shack I used to work at when I was 18. I didn’t have an immediate explanation for how it was possible.
My co-worker used it as an example of how some things are unexplainable. Therefore, y’know, God.
oddly hard to find online.
Right? I was hoping for like a wikipedia page with the dimensions of every kind of DIMM. Might have to make one…
So I think you’re right. The only explanation is that I ordered RDIMM instead of UDIMM and that Kingston messed up.
I just double checked, the compatibility checker suggested the -EU variant, but I was looking at -ER. (Un/Registered).
It doesn’t help that ECC and registered get interchanged a bit it seems.
This is pushed all the way to the right.
I found this datasheet that seems to more or less perfectly match the stick I got:
The specifications are also very similar to the datasheet for the stick I got. I’m wondering if neither of these sticks are compatible with my motherboard, and Kingston just pasted the wrong graphic on the datasheet for the stick I ordered.
What about UDIMM and RDIMM?
A little shocked the Rabbit R1 outlived them. Mine is still chugging, though a lot of the features (like MidJourney integration) have been halted.
Gonna be a fun little Android media player in a few months I suppose.