Cheeto nazi is going to be at the daytona 500 and they won’t shut up about it.
If there’s a day 1 patch for big game releases, it’s the same as early access. Going gold means bullshit nowadays.
The accelerated decline of my shithole country.
Thank a Maga voter. Or maybe punch one.
Because nascar finally added it back in and they wanna feel different.
“The Agency finds, based on your performance, that you have not demonstrated that your further employment at the Agency would be in the public interest.”
Oh bull fucking shit. It ain’t based on performance when it’s this sweeping. They’re fucking them over extra since they’re being dumped for likely a lie. This will make it harder for them to get another job.
Fuck dickhead cheeto liar, fuck his naxi friend, and fuck every asshole who voted for this shit.
Conservatives need to be gutted.
This reeks of young adult in college “I can convince others with facts” energy. Good luck. It gets old. People want to be ignorant. People suck. They don’t care. Why bother.
Just like skipping Vista was the way to go. We need to skip Win11.
They literally already told us to fuck off.
Intensity comes from keeping up and fixing the bullshit your coworkers cause while attempting to build in idiot guardrails to stop further damage.
“this guy didn’t break any law but we’re still trying to figure out how to lock him away.”
I mean that’s like 90% of US history. Especially for minorities and disenfranchised groups.
We don’t have enough Luigi’s for this shithole.
TwatWaffle McDunceland
Have literally never heard anyone argue you can’t hear pictures. In what context would this even come up? The premise for the joke is tired, old, and was always stupid and unrealistic. Like movies with poor setups just to make a plot work.
I think they’re focused on when you import more than you export, that’s a net loss, or a trade deficit.
One way to view it is that you are propping up someone else’s economy, or you are funneling your money outside.
So I think nationalistic morons just hate that at face value without any critical thinking.
In some formulas this is included in GDP, and growing up in rural America, I always heard whining about how America needed to stay on top and not be beaten by China or whoever else, and a lot of that rhetoric sometimes simply stems from made up crap like who has the bigger number, such as GDP. I can tell you how often I’ve heard idiotic ideas like how some other country like China will just invade and take us over if we aren’t #1 in everything. Like being #2 or 3 somehow means death.
I usually waste my time trying to point out the sun now sets on the British flag every damn day, and yet they still have their country and they still live pretty decent lives. The British didn’t just disappear once their empire was basically over.
Conservatism and nationalism is toxic.
This is why I hate almost all turn based games and these pokemon/final fantasy style random encounter games. Just obnoxious to play.
Flip? Ehh. Rollover. Barrelroll.