Fuck, I missed that. I liked the original Olliolli, it was a cool game to have on a 3DS. World was in the back of my mind as “might get that one day” (but too many freaking games).
Fuck, I missed that. I liked the original Olliolli, it was a cool game to have on a 3DS. World was in the back of my mind as “might get that one day” (but too many freaking games).
That’s honestly what I am worrying it would be, and what I meant by a huge part of the game being “impersonal”.
Daggerfall has parts that are fascinating, even long after its time.
Its custom class creator is rather fun. Its magic effect system too… despite some of the most intriguing effects not even working at all. Seriously. You can craft those spells, they just don’t do anything.
Its dungeons are intimidating in scale, and the 3D automap is both a feat and almost no help at all.
There are freaking linguistic skills, plural because there are like 8 different languages or so. They are mostly useless, because they just add a slight chance a monster won’t attack you, but since you don’t know when it works you’ll murder them anyway.
And then there’s the undistinguishable random quests and the grind.
Oh, kind of like the Sorcerer default class in Daggerfall and the Atronach sign in Morrowind and Oblivion then (and sort of Atronach stone in Skyrim too, though this one is just less regen, not no regen at all).
Yeah, those are fun. You’re basically a magic sponge.
I still have the Sims 2 Ultimate Collection from the time they ended up giving it to everyone who’d claim it for a few days.
They haven’t removed it from the app… yet. Not taking any chances, I’m re-downloading it on my current PC right now.
Honestly I have played only a little of Arena (very late, around the time Bethesda started to give it for free on their site). I think the farthest I went was the second staff piece dungeon.
Since most of Elder Scrolls nostalgia today is around Morrowind, it’s always interesting (and a bit funny) to find people (involved or not) who think the series started to derail with Morrowind.
I am not mocking them at all, I get it, Daggerfall and Morrowind are very different games with a different scale and focus. Daggerfall is also… quite overwhelming, and rather impersonal for 99% of its gameplay. I really don’t know what a “modern” Daggerfall would look like.
I think I’d be a bit pissed if I was an eagle. “What the fuck, you’ve dubbed over all of my lines in post-production? My voice not cool enough for you?”
Freedom, the kind that specifically cries like a red tailed hawk and not at all like an eagle.
J’ai vérifié ce matin, ma ville n’est pas encore prévue dans les plans de déconnexion de l’ADSL. Pas demain la veille qu’on me proposera la fibre j’ai l’impression…
Je sais à peu près pourquoi, on n’est pas prioritaire parce qu’on a un ADSL plutôt très correct, et qu’autour il y avait urgence. Mais bon, quand j’ai un téléchargement sérieux à faire je cracherai pas sur la fibre.
Yeah, beside specifying what you mean with Zelda-like (og LoZ? aLttP? Classic 3D Zelda? Open world BotW?)…
Also depends what you mean with customisation. If you want games that go crazy with both cosmetic and optimization/equipment management, Xenoblade Chronicles games kinda fit the bill. Especially X that’s getting a remaster soon. That one has avatar customisation, different classes, an absurd number of equipment slots for both you and your mech. And stats. So many freaking stats.
They’re not exactly traditional action games the way Zelda usually works though.
First thing first, rename the country as American America of America.
The YouTube owner explains that normal non-skippable in-stream ads are limited to just 15 seconds in length.
This is bullshit. I don’t use an ad-blocker and often get a full minute of ad. And an extra minute if I happen to pause the stream for like 30 seconds and come back to it.
At one point every time I did a new run of Backpack hero I could find some new absurdly broken item combo. It’s fun.
“Stop being a country already!”
Oh, there’s that weird puzzle game. I checked it out some time ago because it has a spirit in Smash.
Now that I think about it, even going back to melee, Smash Bros is probably how I learned about half of Nintendo’s licences. Certainly smaller stuff like Panel de Pon, and even bigger IPs like Fire Emblem. I mean, since the first officially localized Fire Emblem was well after Melee release it makes sense. Maybe even Mother, can’t remember if I’d tried Earthbound before Smash 64.
Personally I’d prefer people catch fish they intend to eat (and obviously, within respect of natural resources) rather than ending up killing a bunch for sport, even if it’s not the intention.
Look, I was born in the 80s, I played Morrowind about the time it was released (closer to GOTY edition, but whatever), but even I have to kinda agree with your niece at this point.
Though its gameplay and world-building certainly aged better than Oblivion’s.
The ones that leap out of water to get you on world 3 were already quite stressful.
That fish didn’t terrify me near as much as the angry sun though. Back then I often did “almost complete” runs where I’d just kept a lakitu cloud to skip the sun level from world 8.
On the part about Cappy tricks, not sure why the author forgot all 3D Mario games have always included more or less complex move tricks/combos.
Mario 64 already had triple jump, wall kicks, diving/sliding, long jumps, side jumps…
Super Mario Sunshine added a lot of complex moves with FLUDD, and even a limited way to make your own platforms. Odyssey just does it a lot better IMO. I kinda hated Sunshine Yoshi.
And it’s not like the more complex combos are required to finish the game. Occasionally you need one for 100% completion, but most of the time they’re just cool tricks to pull off to reach a place faster, or just grab a few coins.
Honestly, at that point? I don’t care about getting them legally. And I am certainly not throwing money to the grey market either.
I am all for supporting people for their work, but since Take Two fired the studio last year, I can be sure my money will never impact anybody who actually worked on these games. Worse, it might be slightly beneficial to those who let them go.
I know most of the time when someone looks for a reason to resort to piracy it sounds like an excuse, but really, in a case like that I’d give zero fuck.