i dont disagree, but its not like trump is in charge of an antagonisgic govt. theyre already on his side, and going against him is political suicide for a republican.
I think people are taking this stuff too personally - between zuck and these other tech ceos caving to the right wing social politics.
Fact is trump won the election, and hes the dictator of the usa now. He has legal immunity and the ability to kill anyone he wants officially, as well as full party control of all 3 branches of govt and the governers. He could scrap the constitution if he wanted to, all hed have to do is privately threaten to assasinate anyone that doesnt go along with his plans.
A private conversation has likely happened with these CEOs that effectively went “you need to help us maintain control of the govt or were going to take measures against you.”
Its nothing personal, for all we know their lives are literally on the line.
For all the talk abt small govt. The republicans have made the usa the most powerful federal govt of any western nation.
Torrenting is less common but thats because most piracy is just streaming now. Its more profitable to host a streaming site, youre less likely to get a virus streaming compared to torrenting now, and its easier to access and find.
Because it was spread by a totalitarian communist dictatorship. if the USSR were democratic , they wouldve spread democracy.
Vencord has had it forever. Just a community discord flathub.
Weird that pro capitalist comments with 10 to 50 upvotes are by default above anti corporation takes with 100-200 upvotes.
coffee. get rid of dopamine sinks like tiktok / instagram / youtube .
C# is good too. If you havent heard of lobster you should look into it.
Rust is esperanto because its only actually used by a small group of nerds,
python is russian because everything made in it is unreliable.
Copyright =/= liscence, so long as they arent reproducing the inputs copyright isnt applicable to AI.
That said they should have to make sure they arent reproducing inputs. Shouldnt be hard.
Gotta be mm to make sense unfortunately, Linux-GUN 7.62.11
Easy, GNU->GUN
Oh and try blocks.
Its mainly a matter of stabilizing existing features in the language - there are rust modules in the linux kernel as of 6.1 but they have to be compiled with the nightly compiler.
Rust is a very slow moving , get it right the first time esque, project. Important and relatively fundamental stuff is currently and has been useable and 99% unchanging for years but hasnt been included in the mainline compiler.
Also certain libraries would be fantastic to have integrated into the standard library, like tokio, anyhow, thiserror, crossbeam, rayon, and serde. If that ever happens though itll be in like a decade.
true but if its truly end to end encrypted it cant be moderated.
between this and mega its clear they want your files easy to reach and access, privacy and security be damned.
the internet should be free for the same reason we have the 2nd amendment - its necessary for exposing and opposing tyranny.
so kill telegram and watch criminal orgs and militant groups just spin up their own servers or use encrypted radio or just encrypt messages themselves to send through any other platform.
its the cops and feds job to investigate these people, they didnt need a fucking all seeing AI to do it in the prior century and they dont now.
i mean seriously what happened to sting operations? its so damn easy to catch predators n shit on discord, and these telegrams are easy enough to join. do actual detective work smfh .
For what its worth browsing directories full of hundreds to thousands of 4k images with previews is seamless : )
once mecha break comes out next year, mecha break. its waay more fun and teamplay is just as important if not moreso.
We can assume she’ll just follow the establishment policies enacted under Biden - basically nothing.
grub menu. all my timeshift snapshots show up there. for /home i just backup to a usb with deja dup.
finland has a homocide rate of about 1 per 100k.
Countries are generally lower than cities, but some cities for context :
Hong Kong : 0.29
Glendale CA : 0.52
Tampere, Finland : 2.2
Arlington TX: 4.8
Los Angeles CA : 10.3
Albequerqe NM : 21.3
Washington DC : 31.85
Flint MI : 70.7
Tijuana MX : 95.9