It just goes to show you how ridiculously wealthy the top couple of percent are.
If you got rid of the top 1% $90,000 in free cash would make you well off.
I say weird shit and half the time I actually believe it.
It just goes to show you how ridiculously wealthy the top couple of percent are.
If you got rid of the top 1% $90,000 in free cash would make you well off.
The English language is difficult, but it can be understood through tough, thorough thought.
17 I think. I had had a few drinks prior to that but actually drunk not unril then
“Melts down”, like when a nuclear reactor goes critical, isn’t the apt descriptor for this response.
It was more like, “Maga generally disliked or was otherwise uninterested in the super bowl halftime performance”.
Assuming that to me the game world becomes real and isn’t limited to the same path that the video game forces the player to go through, I would probably pick one of the Dungeons & Dragons games like Planescape or at worst something like Curse of the Azure bonds.
You’re right, comic book language should be used for comic books and not for serious journalism.
I would make irreplaceable objects like the Mona Lisa or Kurt Cobain’s acoustic guitar into my Horcruxes.
I would make it so that the cultural loss of what it takes to kill me would be far greater than anything I could ever do.
As long as your faith makes rich people feel good about themselves I guess.
If they had spines, they would understand that the best way to prevent this kind of shit from happening is to stand up in full force and make it painful and uncomfortable for the bullies to continue while broadcasting all of their actions on every news platform and media station that they can get a hold of.
I want them to have spines. This is an exhortation for their spinal columns to stiffen up.
Democratic politicians need to fucking stand up and start kicking ass and getting violent, if need be, in order to protect America.
The ones that don’t need to get axed and replaced by younger blood that wants to prove itself.
Fuck, I did. That’s what I get for using voice to text.
And yes, I know that David Bowie was not the person who did it. And no, I can’t do it as well as the person who did it did.
I can talk just like Hoggle in the Labyrinth, and I learned the trick on how to roll the balls around on my hand the way David Bowie does in the movie.
All I’m saying is that if they’re already at the point of whining about it right now, they are going to be completely and totally unprepared when it actually becomes a full-on authoritarian regime.
The only thing that bullies understand is raw power. If they don’t flex their raw power, it will be taken away from them.
They are the people literally appointed by us to do this. They need to get going.
Unfortunately, this is a worst-case survivorship bias. Generally, the angru fucks that are going to die of a brain aneurysm don’t make it to his age.
The ones that do have pretty much already battle-chested their brain vessels.
I remember reading somewhere that the maximum amount of sleep debt that you can accumulate is something on the neighborhood of 20 hours.
Basically, by the time you have rested up 20 hours, whatever excess of sleep debt you had over that will be erased along with it.
That’s not to say that sleeping an extra 20 hours in a single go is a good or achievable thing, or that it would somehow magically undo all of the accumulated fatigue and wear from denying yourself that much sleep over that long of a time period.
Only that by the time you have accumulated an additional 20 hours of sleep by sleeping like an extra hour a day for three weeks that physiologically, there would be no continued improvement in your functioning by continuing to sleep extra.
I mean, as far as it actually goes, you have have slept enough, then you have have not slept enough, and that goes through a range of a “little tired” to “dead”.
The real answer is that as long as nothing becomes violent, the only thing that they can really do is to slowly Take away the supports of the people that are relying on them and provide information that might be harmful to potential employers to increase the number of people that are subservient to the state or otherwise financially incapacitated.
If it becomes violent, then they can use that information to identify the easiest targets for them to take out first And the people most likely to provide resistance should they be given time to gather together.
“I could take a gorilla easy. What i woukd do is circle around the gorilla, dodging its attacks until it wore itself out then throw it into a sleeper hold until it was down for the count” - some guy who got his shit wrecked by a gorilla
I’ve used the ATEM Mini and it works great. It’s like as dog simple as you can possibly get a couple of buttons to push and everything just fucking works.