Yeah, nixos is great in some aspects, but a newcomer will be very displeased with a lot of nix specific things. And having quite bad documentation is no help either.
Yeah, nixos is great in some aspects, but a newcomer will be very displeased with a lot of nix specific things. And having quite bad documentation is no help either.
I hope EU steps up and props Ukraine long enough for Russia to collapse. The cracks are showing but the americans just had to be traitors.
We had a blanket ban on abortion/contraception in the 60s in Romania and while initially there was a boom in newborns, it eventually reverted to the norm even if the ban wasn’t lifted. So I’m not so sure about that.
You are very optimist people will still have kids in this situation.
Sadly what started as a people’s revolution got deturned into a coup d’etat back then: the old guard of the Securitate and high echelon of the Communist party continued (and still continues to a high degree) to have most of the power.
Eh, more or less. I’ll probably be able to afford one in about a year (with a loan ofc), but I make almost double the median salary.
This looks really interesting, is there any catch?
Great work buddy, keep going!
Happy birthday! Thanks for your service and hope you enjoy your day.
Maybe they don’t want to complicate things trying to go with 0 downtime? Even though depending on how proper their infra is that might not be that hard.
I’m really curious how the new CEO will change things.
Perhaps, I use them when walking around mostly or in the night. At PC i have dedicated headphones.
Yup, Georgescu and supposedly some of the secret service/army were planning a violent coup d’etat. Looks like for now we avoided that.
The service itself is not great, especially in smaller cities, but it’s quite cheap compared to private healthcare and in big cities you actually have decent to good treatment. My dad has treatable diabetes (doesn’t require insulin) and spends something like 50 euros a month for them. Not free, but affordable.
Bad part of Romania is the rampant corruption and lack of infrastructure. It’s gotten better the past years but still behind western countries.
Man this breaks my heart, I wish american people would wake up and stop voting against their own interests…
Yeah, I really hope EU steps up on fighting russian hybrid warfare, because at this point is more harmful than actual war: we let our countries be run over without a bullet flying.
Hope americans also wake up and pushback agains the ongoing shitshow Trump, Musk, Vance and Thiel are running.
I’m obviously biased but my observations are:
Overall I am hopeful we can get over this bad dream, elect a pro-european, and get on the bandwagon of ReArm Europe and also to get rid of the leeches from PSD (the main party and the most corrupt one). Sad part is that society is more polarized than ever, and most of the Georgescu’s voters are like MAGA: braindead cultists that you can’t reason with.
On god, US is such a dystopia I always remain flabbergasted when people talk about the american dream. My third world country (Romania) is a shithole but at least I can hope to pay for serious medical illnesses if I go jobless.
While airpods are dogwater in terms of recycling, I have a 2nd hand pair or them and 2 years later they still work like in the beggining.
Shouldn’t this be kept secret until after whatever outcome?