Reduced quality of life? Greater danger of being shot in a school? Shorter life expectancy? Lower quality food? And imperial president instead of a democratic one?
I’m not seeing the upsides for Canada.
Reduced quality of life? Greater danger of being shot in a school? Shorter life expectancy? Lower quality food? And imperial president instead of a democratic one?
I’m not seeing the upsides for Canada.
My job outside the US doesn’t start until September. They’re pushing the pace and I’d like to make it out under the wire.
After the raids on free press agencies start, it’s not long before they get into more general suppression of the populace since there’s fewer modes to communicate about their abuses.
My city is going to finish a new bus route. They’re hoped for target is September of 2030. They’re just that good.
Germany is high for Europe, but the US is crazy high for democratic and supposedly developed nations. Next year’s score is going to jump after the current administration destroys the public institutions and gives them to the oligarchy.
Thank you for your good work. o7
My university in Germany operates entirely in English. The academic world is very international so it often falls back to English to support the faculty and students. Issues in the community will also be run through the university news routes, so while I’ve been learning German, I’ll also have a big resource with my work community.
There’s a few places to check for positions. I interviewed in Ireland and Scotland as well (didn’t get the jobs). There’s also Australia and new Zealand hiding out there. Or Canada. Hell, Mexico has a great university system you could look into.
Your PhD does open new doors. It’s by no means a guarantee of a faculty spot, but it’s valued so you can leverage it.
The position is in Germany. It might be out of the frying pan and into the fire given Germany’s right wing rise, but that’s happening across the western nations and we’re all in trouble.
I don’t have a ton of advice for you. I defended over 10 years ago, so I’m moving straight into a tenured/permanent position as senior faculty. For an ABD, I’m not sure what the landscape looks like these days.
If you want to make the move, start talking to people. Reach out to people publishing in your field and talk shop. Collaborate with them, talk about the future, and be willing to take a postdoc (or german system W1) position. It’s more ramen and a small bedroom, but it’s one where there’s healthcare and civil rights.
Academia (and most professions) are all about networks. Talk with people, collaborate, and grow that network. Something will come along.
I love the Berlin transit system. I know I’ve never relied upon it for daily work yet (the longest I stayed was one month), but it’s been so very convenient to get around the city. Normally it’s so easy and quick.
Good thing I’ve just accepted a faculty position outside the US.
I’ll get to move to a country that doesn’t persecute academics and I think I’m just beating the crowds on the way out.
You’re right. Thank you for reminding me.
When our household was at full bore with the kids home, we could go through three dozen per week. It’s not just eating them, it’s cooking. Two eggs for a some cake, brownies, etc. one day of french toast (not doing that into the foreseeable future), if I did breakfast with eggs it would take anywhere from 6 to 10.
At our height of consumption we had four teenage boys, one teenage girl and a 10 year old who could out eat anyone at the table.
I’m just fortunate that our kids are mostly grown, but now they’re struggling to keep food on their own tables.
I actually kept a small flock of chickens for a while because we would go through so many eggs.
I tried for dearth, but ended up with death. Deluge would have also been a great choice of words.
It’s a great deal. Go on the Euro, be a normal member and have the huge death dearth of benefits from the single market that the UK benefitted from for generations. It’s a huge win for the UK if the EU would be that generous.
It’s what the Internet is for, anyway:
The whole point of this administration is revenge and demonstrating the power of the hated. The goal is to enshrine a permanent oligarchy and rich ruling class that no longer has to pander to the masses because they’re tired of doing it.
Don’t worry, they’ll find a way to pack people in. Maybe some kind of high energy weight loss system like their role models used in the 1940s?
This is bad juju. The detention camps from the first cycle with this fascists was nothing on what we’re seeing ramping up here.
Nepo baby incest for the win? Kakistocracy mask off with this one.
Seized lands auctioned off to highest corporate bidders along with liberal rights. Exploitation of the wilderness destroys it. Capitalism and oligarchy destroys another piece of our world.
The fact that there’s so many places that trams and U-bahns intersect as round Berlin is wonderful. I can’t find this exact location because there’s too many great sections of rail around the city!
Poppies. They’d love for you to have a fe poppies on hand. They earned those the hardest way possible.