And how many Palestinian children are in ‘dire’ conditions?
And how many Palestinian children are in ‘dire’ conditions?
Wahlgeld gibt es wegen der Schuldenbremse jetzt nur noch als Sachleistungen.
Jeder darf jetzt ein Verkehrsschild abmontieren oder sich was von der Bundeswehr ausleihen.
I heard there was a programming language where you programmed a tree, that you could only manipulate manipulate in a “IDE” that looked a bit like Microsoft Word and saved the “source code” as a binary file.
Found the infos: https://youtu.be/vcFBwt1nu2Ut=479
The saboteurs also put those stickers there.
It’s translated as be greener which can be seen as an endorsement but the way it’s written in the original german is rather accusatory. The stickers are also ugly and have a smug image of the green candidate.
The runway is almost long enough to land a space shuttle, you don’t need a naval version of any plane to use it.
It can be a liberatory force in any possible conflicts, except a border skirmish between China and Kazakhstan.
Not sure if that is enough to contain the nuclear explosion that is mean to be fired inside it…
The image is clearly a red herring to distract from the real use of the uranium. They use nuclear pumped lasers to accelerate a conventionally fired tungsten rod in the air. That’s why there are four barrels, two guns and two lasers
Betamax was used by climbers^1 , clearly everyone went with vhs to avoid them.
^1 a recomended sequence of moves is called a beta to this day
It would be funny because I don’t think twitter has the server infrastruktur or the domain knowledge.
Even if you believe that authoritarian left is an oxymoron, it’s easier to label them as such, then to argue to everyone that they are right wing, while they cover themselves in the colors and symbols of the left.
It’s really a question of when to use nuance and when to make strong statements with getting bogged down in semantics.
Just take flags in many colors and say you want to use them for signaling.
Wir müssen auf Menschenrechten mit unseren eigenen Füßen trampeln, sonst machen’s die Nazis und die machen uns vielleicht die Wirtschaft kaputt.
Um das ordentlich machen zu können arbeiten wir jetzt mit den Nazis zusammen.
Konservative Politiker vor dem Ende der Weimarer Bundesrepublik
Maybe to reduce wear on the original mechanism.
Dann müssen wir ausländisches Talent importieren.
That a “loading spinner”, that just happens to grind the page to a crawl. Try waiting or reloading the page.
According to my cursory research, cooling loops run somewhere between 10 and 50 °C with the difference of inlet and outlet between 5 and 10 K.
Steam power generation uses the phase change of water, so you need above 100°C.
On the high end of the temperature range, you could possibly run some small district heating while the lower temperatures require active cooling.
Guardian is british, so she should have dumped sewage or murdered a trans woman if she wanted to go free.
Great, now I have to chose between correct geographical names and the reasonable spelling words.
I had such strong winds that I had to go to the lowest gear and was barely moving.
To go faster that walking speed I had to take my backpack from my luggage tack onto my back, thereby putting more weight on the pedals.