Maybe maybe not
So does that mean that it is ok to vandalize someone else’s property?
Maybe maybe not
So does that mean that it is ok to vandalize someone else’s property?
So it’s a zero sum item? It’s impossible to blame both the voter and the polluting companies?
Sorry but when someone is told repeatedly if you run into a brick wall you are going to break your face. Then they run into said brick wall, I won’t have sympathy and I WILL blame them for what they did.
I spent years warning people what was coming and then they voted him anyway. Yeah I’ll blame them.
United States of Lee (after General Robert Lee)
New motto
All For Me and None For Thee
I’m sorry you’re on lemmy so either you are fully against or fully in support of something… Nothing in between
Hey Elon… blow me
“Your daughter’s death is not service related”
How the hell does this even go on, and not have someone arrested? That BTW is rhetorical
Holy shit did not know that! Thank you that helps a ton I use swype to text
Give up. Block them. Move on. There is zero possibility of changing them.
None. They all sucked. The one or two that stood above the others, only could be called “good” because the others sucked
The bit with Tom Cruise was actually pretty good, but I don’t know if I would call that a commercial per se
Guild Wars 2
Magic, dragons, numerous animal mounts plus a few flying ones, air ships (think blimps), multiple climates.
Continuous resurrecting.
Lots of gold.
Several types of sentient creatures.
Edit: I would assume that since it would last forever, that means the gaming servers would run forever. I would also assume that would mean we would more and more expansion packs more maps, more creatures more things to do, improved graphics. It would take you a really, really long time to walk from one side of the map to the other. Can you imagine how much stuff there would be to do inside that game.? And since NPC’s can talk to player characters (and player characters can talk to other players) that means I could talk to people outside the game. This would be kind of cool.
Is it an illusion that the stand is tilted?
we are all entitled to our opinion. i just happen to disagree with yours.
Bottle of pop. No
Glass of water at a restaurant. Yes
My hands shake and it’s annoying as hell when people stare at me when I’m trying to drink. So I get a straw.
3 for 15 isn’t bad
We are at $6 for 12 and that is for the cheap eggs
So the country that is partially responsible for the Geneva Conventions is the country we are going to try to annex?
Well… Canada remember - it’s never a war crime the first time.
Side note: when a Canadian stops saying sorry… run!
Vehicle makers that angle their hood in a way where it seriously blocks what you can see at the front right corner of the vehicle. Instead of slanting the hood down it’s straight out. Making it very difficult to see the curb when making a turn.
Also subscription fees on cars
Non repairable products parts on cars
Never pulled that prank
A prank that I did pull. Was one where I knew a guy who couldn’t keep from speaking Or repeating what he hears. So I used that to my advantage. I started out with actually really funny jokes which I knew he would repeat. Then I started telling jokes that were somewhat funny but not hilarious. And I knew he would repeat them. Then I just started saying crazier and crazier stuff to see if he would repeat it.
Had this going for about three or four months. Then one day he figured out what I was doing. Now he doesn’t repeat stuff. It was fun while it lasted. Good times.
I’m reading these comments and realizing just how many assholes after on lemmy.
People on here actually justifying vandalizing someone’s property.
Oh they’re wealthy so it’s ok.
Oh commenter doesn’t like person a so it’s ok to hurt person b property.
Fucking hell people are assholes.