
  • 9 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Nope! The closest is the judgment stated that a hammer reinforced the message of racism that other symbols conveyed. in 2000.

    Also, The Chancellor of Justice stated that those familiar with the use of the symbols may associate the clothing with anti-Semitism and racism, but questioned whether the wider public would perceive the clothing as an expression of threat or disdain for a specific group of people. in 2019.

    So I guess you could call it a symbol that racist groups tried to take but haven’t succeeded.

  • I am very happy about Proton/SteamOS and how they assist in making games playable on Linux. I hope the SteamOS devices become popular enough that developers stop trying to shut Linux out.

    I’m not looking forward to what will happen with Steam when Gabe is no longer around though.
    Having one big marketplace/launcher might be comfy right now but that can turn into a nightmare quickly when there’s a new owner in town.

    Personally I’m trying to buy any game I can on gog.com instead of Steam. Both to get my own offline installers and to ensure not all my eggs (games) are in one basket. I launch more games from Lutris then Steam today.

  • ME är en akronym för myalgisk encefalo­myelit, på engelska Myalgic Encephalo­myelitis.
    Myalgi betyder muskel­smärta, encefalit inflamma­tion i hjärnan och myelit inflamma­tion i rygg­märgen.
    CFS är en akronym för Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, på svenska översatt till kroniskt trött­hets­syndrom.
    Den vanligaste beteck­ningen för sjukdomen i den inter­natio­nella, veten­skap­liga littera­turen är kombinations­termen ME/CFS eller motsvarande kombina­tion med de full­ständiga namnen utskrivna, Myalgic Encephalo­myelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

    I Sverige används beteck­ningen ME/CFS bland annat av Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärdering (SBU),[8] Socialstyrelsen[15] och 1177,[16] men även myalgisk encefalo­myelit och kroniskt trött­hets­syndrom är vanligt före­kommande.

  • Just a reminder, if you’re in the EU then waiting 'til June might be worthwhile:

    Gonna be interesting to see which models disappear from EU altogether and which models get the better repairability and software updates next summer:
    Ecodesign requirements will apply to mobile phones and tablets put on the EU market from 20 June 2025 onwards, including:

    1. resistance to accidental drops or scratches and protection from dust and water
    2. sufficiently durable batteries which can withstand at least 800 charge and discharge cycles while retaining at least 80% of their initial capacity
    3. rules on disassembly and repair, including obligations for producers to make critical spare parts available within 5-10 working days, and for 7 years after the end of sales of the product model on the EU market
    4. availability of operating system upgrades for longer periods (at least 5 years from the date of the end of placement on the market of the last unit of a product model)
    5. non-discriminatory access for professional repairers to any software or firmware needed for the replacement