The president isn’t a teenager, and as a sociopath wouldn’t have been representative of teenagers even when he was one.
The president isn’t a teenager, and as a sociopath wouldn’t have been representative of teenagers even when he was one.
If that AI companion isn’t on your own hardware, it will likely require a subscription eventually. And running an AI agent yourself isn’t cheap.
There’s also plenty of discussion of public libraries, but since they’re all independent of each other, it’s not a unified discussion. Nobody online is going to recommend their local library to a random person from who knows where.
Or, he’ll appoint lawyers to defend him, billing the US for their time, AND ignore the court’s proceedings.
Campbell and Turner were also both scapegoats for a failing political party.
In this case, the conservatives targeted Trudeau instead of targeting the Liberals; this allows the party to recover if it installs a leader who a) wasn’t already elected and b) has already demonstrated skill in defending Canadians from economic downturn.
As a counter example, all the free/pd stuff on archive.org gets discussed pretty regularly, as does Wikipedia.
Maybe it’s that when it’s free, people just use it or they don’t. You don’t get people saying “Hey, did you see this awesome free article on Wikipedia?” because everyone already knows that Wikipedia is CC; instead, they just mention Wikipedia without mentioning it’s free.
Is it really a surge when it goes up and stays there? It’s not like it has ebbed. There’s no reason to engage with it anymore.
A decent number of? So zero?
Does this include drugs like opioids and alcohol?
Probably means you know somebody mildly racist.
An English nose I could understand, but Britain already implies a whole melting pot of lineages tied to location and not ethnicity.
The challenge these days is finding a “middle of nowhere” place that’s affordable AND actually has reliable high speed Internet.
Speaking the truth and being fired for it is a good way to leave; it beats having to work against your conscience or quit with a whimper.
And protecting those friends from the blatant gaslighting that’s coming.
Not the type of speed run I was hoping for :-/
Really??? Finally! That’s caused me no end of headaches over the years.
Shoot. It’s an all or nothing thing, and I can’t tell if it includes subscriptions. And family sharing must be disabled. And there can’t be an account balance. And a bunch of other restrictions.
Persian Gulf or Gulf of Iran?
How long until the return of phrenology?
They’re the ones silently benefiting?
It took me 20+ years of 40+ hours of work a week (when I could get it) to be able to afford a house, doing without things like eating out, having a cellphone, going on vacations. But then, I’m no boomer. Boomers started being born in 1945 and ended in 1964; that means that today, they’re between 60 and 80 years old.
I’m pretty sure that at this point, Gen Z will find that it’s Gen X and Millennials who are questioning their work ethic… and not the work ethic of ALL of Gen Z, just those who expect everything to be handed to them as if they were boomers.
Yeah, the housing market sucks, and it has got progressively worse over the past 50 years. But then I remember that when my parents built their house, the oil crisis was in full swing, they’d just seen their savings vanish in the market crash, and they lived for a year in the shell of a house they built with their own hands — they’d been able to afford land in the middle of nowhere, and ran out of money part way through construction. They eventually finished it and got back on their feet.
The big thing today is that very few people are willing to go buy property in the middle of nowhere and risk starvation or exposure and 10 years of their lives to make it all work.
And I’m not saying they should have to; there were socially progressive programs put in place to make things better for this generation — and they failed. So now we’re back to the 1800s as far as social security and healthcare, and have to make the best of it.
I think what you’re not getting is that dogs are neurologically wired different from humans, and so experience the world differently.
So a dog’s sense of self is different from a human’s, its sensory inputs are different, and its language processing is different.
It’s kind of like those AI models a decade or so back that were really good at identifying where a picture was taken — and then it turned out they’d mapped the relationship between the geolocation numbers in the EXIF data and weren’t looking at the image data at all.