Well we certainly can’t help out with a new ship…we tend to cancel our ones
Well we certainly can’t help out with a new ship…we tend to cancel our ones
Ah yes…the old “management has chosen SAP”
Folding screen eReader…it would be extremely niche, but I want it
Recently heard about RePebble, so my complaining about smart watches may have to end
It’s still limited.
All of your Linux applications are second class citizen’s.
Syncthing doesn’t always start correctly, libre office doesn’t work well.
The constant rebooting gets annoying.
So far so good
Perfect response
I installed Mint.
It is working really well.
Not very touch screen friendly, so may change. But she mostly uses the touchpad anyway.
There are people in my family who do this.
Often times, it is just wait 3 minutes and the veil will be lifted the glory of knowledge will be yours.
Other times, it is much worse, they ask the question just after the info was revealed.
I don’t often watch movies with them.
There is another way to deal with this kind of stuff, fines may be effective. But if you want to ensure that this kid of thing doesn’t happen. Look to the health and safety regulations.
Making the board / CEO criminally responsible, will achieve the the thing you want, rather than the decision makers paying out other peoples money (shareholders) which doesn’t hurt them directly, make them personally responsible.
If they are found to be negligent, then it follows that they go to jail…watch how quickly this kind of thing changes.
Also make it not beholden to them continuing to work at the company they fucked up at, so if this happened and was only discovered years later, the CEO who has moved on to fuck up at another company can still be held liable.
Give “the fall off civilisations” a go
I wonder how long till we see WWIII veterans in a ST show
Winston Churchill had a very distinctive style and he used it very effectivly.
I suppose it is better than “have you thought about nourishing the next generation? give us a call here at soylent”
Na the last patch to chess was 400 years ago. I don’t think it is being actively developed anymore.
I’m not sure.
They don’t seem much more dangerous than the new breed of massive flat nosed ute’s that I see around.
If a pedestrian gets hit at any kind of speed by an ute, they are fucked.
Add new receptors to be able to feel wetness.
This is it cold or wet thing we have going on is just crappy design.
Cows farm out their photosynthesis to things that have far more surface area than they do.
I can’t buy one, they are not available in NZ yet. Despite what anyone else says, I like the look, it looks like the bastard child of a delorian and a countach, but in a good way.
I wouldn’t buy one despite the fact that I like it. It is far too big for NZ roads, I may have overlooked that. But I can’t overlook the fact that Elon has, for me at least, destroyed any good will that was built up. Tesla and all the people who work there have been tarred with the Nazi brush that Elon is wielding.
The only way that Tesla could claw back any respect from me (and hopefully the rest of the world) would be to oust Elon, and all his family from any decision making in the company. It will not happen so my respect for them is gone!
No problem, have been on the search for a good replacement for a few years… Ever since destroying mine on a door frame when carrying a heavy box
I miss my pebble time