Oder zwischen dem 12. und 17. Lebensjahr.
Naja, meistens beides.
Oder zwischen dem 12. und 17. Lebensjahr.
Naja, meistens beides.
ISO 80000-2 defines 0 as a natural number. qed.
Unfortunately, at least in Germany it’s legal. There was a special ruling recently.
(Link in German)
If something looks, walks, barks and smells like a dog, chances are, it’s a dog.
The world is complicated enough as is, no need to make it more complicated.
It moved to symfony starting with contao 4. You can now either use it as a self-managed CMS or add it to an existing symfony application to add CMS functionality. Great stuff.
Most of the community is German speaking though, keep that in mind.
I think you are in the wrong here. Europe is definitely ruled by capitalism. What Americans don’t understand is that universal healthcare benefits capitalism, because the state makes sure your workers are healthy.
Your employee is sick? State money is going to fix him up and pay (most) of the wage in the meantime.
Invade ukraine apparently.
I think the To the moon series hides the fact that it’s RPG Maker rather well
Fun fact: While pictures of Mohammed are a no-no for Sunnis (Arabic World), it’s a common thing for Shias (Iran mostly).
Meine Vermutung:
Das Aus der Ampel war unausweichlich. Scholz hat schlau agiert, indem er die Initiative ergriffen hat und Lindner gekündigt hat, bevor er es selbst konnte. Dadurch bestimmen SPD/Grüne das narrativ und nicht andersrum.