If you suspect they are changing prices on you from the time you leave the shelf, take a photo of the price. If it’s different at the register, you know it was changed.
If you suspect they are changing prices on you from the time you leave the shelf, take a photo of the price. If it’s different at the register, you know it was changed.
But Xelon is really, really trying to take that top spot.
The blockage caused the pipe to burst? Is this an all boys school? Do they have 2500 students banging one out every 15 minutes? I mean, cum on, what an utter lie!
C. All of the above.
Maybe a HUUUGGGGEEEE sink hole will open up and texas will just disappear. This is what’s best for the planet.
There is nothing better than a big, thick green one!
The picture on the left is the convicted felon before makeup, the right is after the toxic orange paste is applied and sealed with 6 cans of Aqua Net.
He’s a psychopathic, junkie, con man, what is not clear about those facts? He destroys everything he touches, everything.
Someone needs to post jokes about the Swastika Car to President Xelon, that will piss them both off. Also remind President Felon that xelon is pwning him so hard!!!
You are wrong, OBAMA DID IT!!! (even though we know it was president felon).
“It’s not a cult.” Wake up Karen, it’s a cult.
Richard is a really big dick!
Reverse Calzone.
The US Government will be one Car Wash away from being immobile.
That is exactly what language is. Someone makes a sound and you know what it means. Animals can’t reason the fine details of what the meaning of words or context mean. The understand if A happens it means (action), and they do respond to the tone of your voice. Say the same thing in a different tone and it becomes confusing. An example is, if I angrily yell words in French at you (which you don’t speak), even though those words mean “happy, joy, sunshine”, you think I’m angry. But if I cuss at you in French in a super sweet voice, you think I’m being romantic. Humans, can speak non-native languages and not know how to read or write them.
Xelon is a bully. That’s his personal & professional style. Smash & grab con man.
Geezus Richard, I told you to use the down stairs bog when we were showering! FFS
Dnalneerg would be a much more logical name.
Potato chips are already overpriced!